Nature of Problems

In my belief, there are several attributes that make us more closely related to one another than to other living things. This is especially so when considered in their natural way and keeping other factors constant. First, it is human nature to cultivate closeness to one another rather than living in isolation. It is our goal to seek emotionally supportive individuals as well as creating and maintaining a network of affectionate people. This explains why human beings help each other overcome a problem by identifying the most suitable solution. For example, when a family is unable to put food on the table, people in the neighborhood come together and contribute foodstuff. Therefore, humans living naturally have the ability to show understanding of other people’s feelings and act accordingly. The ability to empathize with other people, even if we are not related by blood, is a human nature

Secondly, human nature is characterized by selfishness; even when people find it easy for them to save a life. In most cases, most individuals believe that soldiers, firefighters, and parents are selfless, which is not true. Such responses are guided by instincts which are engraved in the desire to ensure humans thrive since natural selection claims that strong species will survive. For humans to make this happen, they have to be selfish and protect human species from extinction. Humans’ natural instinct to conserve genetic materials is engrained in what should be considered selfishness. The desire to protect human race has been confused with selflessness which in my view is not the case. It is a sordid reality that none of us can be considered selfless.

My belief about the nature of problems

Humans are faced with problems which they have to overcome in their walks of lives. In my belief, every trouble we confront has a way of solving it. One of the natures of challenges is that they have solutions. Through self-determination and collaboration with other people, it is easier for a person to overcome various. Depending on the magnitude of a problem, solutions are found by assessing the level of difficulty of a problem. It is the reason some problems are solved at group level while others require a team to get to the bottom of everything.

Another nature of problems is that they have events which precede them. For example, health problems are associated with the existence of disease-causing organisms. Therefore, problems never occur independently. One state of difficulty can lead to another and is the reason a problem solver needs to know the impact of poor decision making. Some difficulties occur as a result of poor decisions made in the previous situation. For instance, when individuals make unsound judgments regarding the environment, the weather might change making it difficult for farmers to produce food for the population. The problem of hunger can be attributed to misleading notions the forefathers had regarding the ecosystem. As a payback, nature responds causing more problems to the humans in the future generations. It is in order to hold that humans are the main culprits of the problems facing humans themselves. In short, problems do not occur independently but have to be initiated in a chain of events. This is well explained by the existence of the first person on the planet that caused challenges that led to more difficult situations to the generations which followed.

My belief about the nature of change

The word “life” has been commonly used in different conversations by people, not knowing what it entails. In my belief, life is a process that occurs in the lives of humans from the time they start living to the time they die. In other words, life happens and that itself is change. Such transformations can either be as a result of the passage of time as well biological attributes of humans. Some are self-generated, under the control of the person experiencing them. For example, a person can decide to start using cosmetics to enhance her look. Unless the person intentionally initiates the change, it is unlikely to occur. However, this one is affected by external factors such as the desire to look attractive to the public. Others occur as a result of fate since some people are foreordained to be what they become in future.

When changes occur, a person should experience it to know the effect it has on his/her life. This requires the individual to move from a state of passiveness to that of being actively involved. Although changes occur in everything that exists, change itself does remain unchanged. Therefore, changes are cyclic or repetitive in nature such that an evolution experienced by one thing can be experienced by another, hence adhering to the basic laws of nature. Change is one aspect of nature which is incapable of being prevented. It is a perpetual process which either interrupts the usual form of events and disrupting the normal functioning of others but also affords every person an opportunity to transform his/her life. Human life is just a chain of events which make up change.

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