My Heroes Essay

Since childhood, I have accumulated the number of heroes in my life depending on their role in as far as influencing my life is concerned. My first heroes were my parents who brought me up and ensured I had everything I needed. Moreover, being career people, they served as a source of motivation of the person I wanted to become in life. The second hero was my first teacher who laid the foundation of education in my life; helping me hold a pencil maker, teaching me how to write my name are priceless lessons. In essence, these two heroes played a significant role in my childhood life, and helped me in my first level of enlightenment. Although I did not understand much in as far as life and its dynamics re concerned, these two heroes remain important even today.

            Growing up to becoming a teenager and a young adult, there are several heroes who have shaped my life. The third hero is Gabrielle Union, an African American woman who has fought against all odds to become successful in life. Having read her story, Union, served as a source of inspiration; I also believe that I can become whatever I set my mind to in life. The fourth hero in my life is Steve Jobs, who despite dropping out of school worked hard to create of the most successful companies in the world, Apple Inc. he made me believe that I do not need to follow a certain path to become successful as long as I know what I want and work hard to achieve my goal. Finally, the fifth hero in my life is Barrack Obama; essentially, I consider him prove of the saying that nothing is impossible. Obama become the first African American president, an aspect that was considered a dream by most citizens of his country. All these heroes serve as beacons of hope, source of inspiration, and a motivation as I go through life.

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