My Career As A Social Worker

I am a dedicated, enthusiastic, professional person with extensive experience in social work. Such traits are crucial as they enhance me even in the most challenging environments.  As a social worker, my main commitment is the deliverance of highest standard of service at all times and utilizing my strong communication skills to build positive relationships and be more effective in managing inquiries and complaints. Additionally, I am a self-motivated individual, hence, I am capable of working effectively on my initiatives as well as those of the organizations I may get contracted by in the course of my career.  I always prioritize my duties to make sure that all the tasks that have been assigned to me are not only completed within the set time limits but also their quality is above par since accuracy is an integral factor in ensuring an assignment is done as anticipated.  Nevertheless, even though I  can work alone, I also enjoy being part of a successful and productive team since doing so is an effective means of learning new techniques that are critical in social work and teaching others some of my major strengths as well. Besides, I am capable of working under intense pressure, which enables me to discharge my duties despite the hardships I may encounter.  In the course of my career, I have completed various tasks that have significantly enhanced my understanding of computers and their practical application in the workplace.  I have also undertaken various training courses such as taking part in the Skills Society Life 2000 Conference where training sessions were provided by various leading organizations like Barclays Plc and Anderson Consulting. As a strategy of advancing my career in social work, I enrolled for an Access to Social Work program last year.  I delight in helping the society members improve their living standards, thus, the main reason why I opted to become a social worker.  The essence of the knowledge and skills I will gain from the institution of higher learning cannot be underestimated as they will play a key role in the advancement of my career and equip me with strategies of transforming other people’s lives also. For instance, I will learn how to organise for educational seminars and conferences to teach the community members on some of the safety measures that they can adopt – for example, the need to form merry-go-rounds, which would act as income generating projects – to improve their standards of living. As a social worker, my main objective is to enhance the advancement of humanity by creating awareness among the societal members on the best measures they can put in place to boost their living standards. Additionally, I have good interpersonal skills that make it possible for me to mingle with diverse members of the community, hence, I am capable of identifying the major issues affecting a respective sect of the society. Education will also enable me to earn a higher income, which will facilitate me to have a better life even in my old age since I will be taught the essence of some critical deeds in life key among them being saving part of my income and investing part of it as well. Additionally, it will make me more responsible even in future. Therefore, I will be in a position to identify some of the things – such as drug abuse - that would pose significant threat on my life.

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