Multidimensional Impact of Immigration from the Middle East in the Contemporary Socio-Cultural and Political Context

In recent decades, the Middle East conflict

brought on by the rise of ISIS has greatly destabilized the area and affected the lives of common people. Today, the crisis that is raging in Syria, Iraq, and Iran, among other countries, cannot be ignored because it is affecting the rest of the globe, particularly the West. The governments of these nations—France, Great Britain, and especially Germany—cannot effectively handle the influx of immigrants who are fleeing the terrors of genocide and impending forced recruitment into the forces of ISIS because of the liberal policies and democratic values of the European Union (EU). The challenge of refugees is largely a problem of global terrorism that has been targeted mostly on the Western Countries and others. The destabilization of world politics is obvious. The impacts of the mentioned waves of immigration should be explored profoundly.

Problem Statement

Currently, the problem of forced immigration has become more substantial practically because ISIS has been terrorizing the population, forcing men to joining the insurgent, and the increase in confrontation in Syria has not been resolved. People from this unstable countries are forced to relocate to other parts in search for people but end up in conflict with the local population as they compete for the same resources. Globally, it becomes the source of international instability and affects the political decisions of the hosting countries such as the EU, the USA, and China. It is critical to assess the multidimensional impact of immigration from the Middle East in the contemporary socio-cultural and political context to determine the potential ways of resolving the problem more effectively.


The major objectives of the proposed research are as follows:

The exploration of the impact that the current waves of immigration would have on the level of recruitment for the radical Islamist movements in various terrorist organizations, especially within the ISIS territory

The evaluation of the long-term social implications that the current immigration trend would have upon the relations between Islamic and Western cultures

The impacts of former President Obama’s choosing not to veto as he let anti-settlement resolution pass at the UN Security Council.

Preliminary Literature Review

The proposed research identifies scholarly materials written regarding the global politics and the emerging issues in light with the event of terrorism and the rapid increase of refuges growth. Thus, the report of OECD (2015) explores the nature of the current immigration crisis in Europe. Schmid (2016) analyzes the links between terrorism and migration. Sengupta and Gladstone (2016) evaluate the situation within Israeli settlements and Barak Obama’s reaction to the U.N. resolution pertaining the global refugees, Sunderland, Cossé, Simpson, Horne, and Becker (2015) assess the current crisis and provide analysis of the reaction of the EU to the immigration issues. Task Force on Cooperation in Greater Europe (2015), on the contrary, talks about the effective measures to be taken to resolve the problems that occur because of immigration Finally, Triandafyllidou (2015) analyzes the role and current position of Muslims in Europe to demonstrate the difficulties these people experience today because of the difficult situation in the Middle East.


OECD. (2015). Is this humanitarian migration crisis different?Migration Policy Debates, 7, 1-15. Retrieved from

Schmid, A. P. (2016). Links between terrorism and migration: An exploration. ICCT Research Paper. DOI: 10.19165/2016.1.04

Sengupta, S., & Gladstone, R. (2016, December 23). Rebuffing Israel, U.S. allows censure over settlements. The New York Times. Retrieved from

Sunderland, J., Cossé, E., Simpson, G., Horne, F., & Becker, J. (2015). The Mediterranean migration crisis: Why people flee, what the EU should do. Human Rights Watch. Retrieved from

Task Force on Cooperation in Greater Europe. (2015). The challenges of the Middle East – the European/EU approach. Retrieved from

Triandafyllidou, A. (2015). European Muslims: Caught between local integration challenges and global terrorism discourses. IAI Working Papers, 15, 1-16. Retrieved from

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