Letter to the Editor

The letter to the editor serves important role in communication. It serves a very crucial function and also has the ability to spread and share information. Robert Naglar Miller from Chicago, in his letter to the editor, has discussed issues concerning the bullying and harassment in the workplace. The letter has some weaknesses since he has not provided the reference where he has collected the data. He has many claims which show that the American workers are exposed to harsh languages, termination and violent responses in the workplace. He has argued that some of these vices happens and eventually are not attended to. He says, “With many of these acts going completely unchecked” (The New York Times (05/08/2018). The writer has not provided the full scenario of the person who was harassed in the organization. He has not mentioned the organization where the incidence happened. The letter has just stated that the bullying that the worker experienced in the organization are “sadly and all too common”. Robert fails to mention the reason as to why the person had to undergo such kind of harassment. He has not discussed the background of the situation and the person who made the victim commit suicide. Mr. Loeffelholz killed himself but the reason for committing suicide is not discussed. It has just stated “the multiple reasons leading to the suicide of the actor Jeff Loeffelholz are difficult to determine conclusively”

(The New York Times (05/08/2018). He has indicated in his extract that people face a hostile environment in some organization but he has not provided evidence supporting his argument. The number of the organizations could be vital in supporting his concerns about people who are abused sexually in the workplace.

Work Cited

Title: Bullying in the Workplace

URL: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/05/opinion/letters/bullying-workplace.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Fopinion-letters.

Newspaper: The New York Times (05/08/2018).

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