Legalization of Marijuana


Despite the fact that several states in the United States have yet to pass legislation allowing the legalization of marijuana, the country's use of the drug continues to climb.

Growing Use of Marijuana

The majority of marijuana, also known as hemp, is sold on the black market. Approximately 220,000 Americans use cannabis on a monthly basis. Per year, almost 575,000 arrests are made in the United States for drug possession alone (Nathan et al. 1746).

Debate Over Legalization

The proliferation of marijuana in the United States has sparked debate over whether the drug should be legalized. From a personal viewpoint, the legalization of marijuana would confer more benefits than adversities to the country compared to the current situation. The paper aims at detailing some of the reasons why the legalization of marijuana is long overdue.

Government Regulation

Legalizing marijuana will provide the government with an opportunity to regulate its use. Currently, the government is not able to control the use of marijuana as its sale is mostly carried out in the black market. According to Nathan et al. (1747), the legalization of marijuana will enable the government to oversee the production of the drugs and ensure it meets the required health standards.

Protecting Public Interest

In particular, the government will be able to test the drugs and ensure that the chemical components do not go beyond the minimum threshold for human use. Through this, the government will be in a position to protect and advance the interest of the public. Further, legalization of marijuana will enable the government to oversee its distribution so that only adults have access to the drug.

Teenage Use of Marijuana

In the current setting, the teenagers are among the heavy users of marijuana due to the lack of structures for the government to oversee and regulate the sale of the product. The possibility of regulating the use of marijuana explains why it is critical for the government to implement laws that would permit the use of marijuana.

Prohibition Failure

Another rationale for the legalization of marijuana is the failure of the prohibition attempts by the government (Ammerman et al.). Over the years, the government has made the use of marijuana illegal. However, no significant step has been made towards reducing the use of the drugs.

Reduced Criminal Activity

Compared to alcohol that has been regulated in the country, its use has been on a decline. In contrast, the use of marijuana has been on the rise with many youths taking the drug today. Based on this premise, the legalization of marijuana will promote the commercialization of the commodity. The negative attitudes and perceived harmfulness of the drug will be on a downward trend. Most significantly, drug-related arrests and incarcerations would decline (Pacula and Rosana).

Economic Impacts

Also, reduced number of convicted persons will ease the expenditure in various correctional facilities across the country. Also, the user of the drug will benefit from market liberalizations as the prices of the drugs will be reduced. Currently, in the black market, marijuana is expensive. The price predisposes the criminal acts to generate money for the drugs.

Healthcare and Addiction

The reliance of arrests and incarceration approaches to the fight against the use of marijuana has placed the society at crossroads on how to respond to the medical problems and addictions associated with the use of marijuana (Ammerman et al.). In particular, the society tends to shy away from advocating for health care services for the persons affected by marijuana due to the fear of law enforcers.

Open Access to Services

Through the legalization of marijuana, just like alcohol, it will be possible for the affected persons to come in the open and seek for services, especially in the alleviation of cases of addiction to the drug. The society will also find it easier to implement programs aimed at taking care of those affected by marijuana. With the regulation, cases of accidents due to marijuana intoxications will be handled in a better way by community healthcare organizations.

Economic Benefits

Additionally, the legalization of marijuana will have economic impacts, especially the improvement of GDP. Legalization of marijuana will enable the government to generate revenue through the collection of taxes from the companies that will be manufacturing the products (Evans).

Employment Opportunities

Furthermore, due to the industrialization of the production of marijuana, many people will be employed. For instance, employment opportunities will be created for people to educate and promote the safe use of the drug (Hazijadeh). The administration will be able to meet its obligations by investing the additional revenue in projects that would lift the living standards for the general populace.


In conclusion, marijuana should be legalized in the country. The regulation of the drug will be progressive towards ensuring that its usage does not lead to adverse health outcomes. It commercialization will generate revenue to the government through taxes. Organizations that operate in the communities involved in the management of the conditions of the persons affected with drugs will be able to intervene with ease when the use of the drug is legalized. However, in the process of legalizing marijuana, the government needs to consider the plight of the teenagers. Specifically, measures should be put in place to limit the access to marijuana by children and adolescents.

Work Cited

Ammerman, Seth, et al. “The impact of marijuana policies on youth: clinical, research, and legal update.” Pediatrics 135.3 (2015): 769-785.
Evans, David. “The economic impacts of marijuana legalization.” Justice Programs Office, 2013,
Hajizadeh, Mohammad. “Legalizing and Regulating Marijuana in Canada: Review of Potential Economic, Social, and Health Impacts.” International Journal of Health Policy and Management 5.8 (2016): 453–456.
Nathan, David L., et al. “The Physicians’ Case for Marijuana Legalization.” American Journal of Public Health 107.11 (2017): 1746-1747.
Pacula, Rosalie Liccardo, and Rosanna Smart. “Medical Marijuana and Marijuana Legalization.” Annual Review of Clinical Psychology 13.4 (2017): 397-419.

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