Hypothesis Testing

For each hypothesis listed, identify the Independent Variable (IV). Indicate if the IV is continuous or categorical. If the IV is continuous, indicate if it is on a Ratio or Interval Scale.    Then, identify the Dependent Variable (DV) . Indicate if the DV is continuous or categorical.  If the DV is continuous, indicate if it uses a ratio or interval scale.  If the DV is categorical indicated if it is uses a nominal or ordinal scale.

For example:

Males smoke more cigarettes daily than females.

Independent Variable: __Gender___________________________________


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable: ___Number of cigarettes smoked daily _____________


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

1. Online graduate students spend more time with their families than traditional graduate students.

Independent Variable: TIME


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable: STUDENT


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

2. Males watch more minutes of the Superbowl than females.

Independent Variable: Gender


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Super bowl


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

3. New moms will report reduced  stress levels after receiving a massage when compared to before the massage.

Independent Variable: Moms


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Stress


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

4. There will be significant differences between school satisfaction scores of kids in 3rd, 6th, and 9th grades.

Independent Variable: Kids


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Scores


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

5. Stress levels among college students vary by the time spent watching TV (under 1 hour, 1-2 hours, or more than 2 hours per day).

Independent Variable: Time


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Stress


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

6. Math Skills tutorials are more effective at reducing stress levels among statistic students than Meditation exercises.

Independent Variable: Students


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Stress


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

7. Pet owners take more daily steps than non pet-owners.

Independent Variable: Pet owners


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Steps


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

8. Drivers in Red cars drive faster on the highway than drivers in Black or Blue cars.

Independent Variable: Drivers


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Cars


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

9. Years spent in school is a predictor of job satisfaction.

Independent Variable: Years


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Job satisfaction


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

10. Football fans display higher levels of aggressive behavior (low, moderate, high) while watching a game than basketball fans.   

Independent Variable: Football fans


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)   

Dependent Variable:   Aggressive behavior


 Type of Variable :             continuous          (Ratio  Interval)  


                                        categorical          (Nominal Ordinal)

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