Hold me tight Documentary

Feliciano Centurion: The Life and Art of a Paraguayan Painter

Feliciano Centurion was a Paraguayan painter born in San Ignacio Misiones, Paraguay, in March 1962. He studied decorative arts at the Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes and the Academy of Fine Arts. Since 1987, he has exhibited in a variety of Buenos Aires and Asuncion neighborhoods. He was known for a variety of artworks until his death in 1996 as a result of AIDS-related complications.

About Feliciano's Paintings

Feliciano Centurion was known for his paintings because his work was unique and all his pictures embodied a peculiar style that showed the presence of beings that he could draw from his visions or dreams. He sometimes painted endangered animals in his Paraguayan heritage represented in awe of fantasy. He expressed his need to show what he saw or felt in his dreams as he could not rest until doing so. He was known to express his paintings on the most mundane of canvas such as blankets or sheets. Some of the animals he painted include the jaguar.

Hold Me Tight Documentary

Feliciano Centurion is celebrated in a documentary made in his honor. The film by the title "Hold Me Tight" gives an insight into the life of this painter and his struggles and successes as seen through the eyes of his friends. The documentary was filmed twenty years after the death of Feliciano Centurion. The film explores his life at its peak from 1987 until his death in 1996. The film is essential in understanding that not only was he a painter, but a man with friends in whose memories this film revolves.

Feliciano's Charismatic Persona

In the documentary, his friends express his need to make everything beautiful. They portray him as a charismatic, intimate and welcoming man who made them feel loved. These traits are revealed when one of his friends expresses how they first got to Buenos Aires with nothing but a suitcase and no idea where to go but then twenty days later, found herself at Feliciano's sister's wedding, after which they became inseparable. We see that he played a significant role in his friend's life as he was somewhat a mentor.

Embracing Femininity Through Art

Feliciano speaks about his femininity and the fact that he was very in touch with his feminine side as a result of having being raised around many women. He expresses how he felt that deep inside he was a queen and the fact that living in Argentina made it possible for him to be in touch with his true feminine nature. Feliciano poses as a woman in some of the photos because it made him feel beautiful. He discovered that being a queen made so much sense to him as opposed to being just an ordinary male painter; it made him feel fulfilled.

Expressing Art in the Face of Adversity

In the documentary, we learn that he never once resented his life even from the moment he discovered that he had AIDS; Feliciano still expressed himself through his art. We learn that even in his final days, he had begun making unique art pieces, for instance creating art on pillows.


The documentary captures Feliciano's lifestyle and his personality but rarely touches on his art and the kind of impact it had in Argentina. In as much as it is an insight into his life, it would have been better if they had showcased his art and in turn made the documentary a celebration of his life through art. But all in all, it is an exciting piece.

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