Health care workers have a unique employment opportunity in that they must connect with patients and other concerned individuals while relaying medical information in a way that they can grasp. To do this, there should be an effective program in place where health workers may be educated on the aims and criteria that will best aid in the dissemination of this knowledge. This study will concentrate on the learning objectives involved in informing health personnel when it comes to engaging patients and their families.
Learning objectives are classified as either measurable or unmeasurable based on the desired outcomes, according to New Hampshire Nursing (2017). Measurable learning ideas are classified by their ability to provide quantifiable data which is gradable. Here, the medical providers are in a position to request the patient or their families to either identify, name, label, list or define as a response to their inquiries. Unmeasurable knowledge objectives involve descriptive words that cannot be quantified but provides a precise answer. These include the use of terms such as “understand” or “know” which only express a person’s grasp on the intended topic.
In this situation, the health providers can design their education curricular in a manner in which they use action verbs which are identified in the levels of cognitive learning. The action verbs include knowledge, application, comprehension, evaluation, analysis and synthesis. Action verbs can be used in the education programs through attitude/affective categories or for the psychomotor division. Attitude/ affective section involves feedbacks such as showing awareness or responding or showing value to phenomena and degrees of organization based on priority and characterization. The psychomotor category comprises the output such as imitation, articulation, manipulation, naturalization or showing precision as a response to the interaction with the patients or their families based on the New Hampshire Nursing (2017).
New Hampshire Nursing Association. (2017). Guidelines for Writing Learning Objectives. Retrieved from