Good National Leaders

National leaders are an essential part of any given nation. National leaders shape our communities, country, and organizations. Any nation’s citizens need good leaders to help in guiding them and make important decisions that will keep the world moving (Maxwell 21). It is always easy for most people to identify a bad leader, unlike a bad one. Good leaders have unique characteristics that enable them to run national processes in the required manner.

First of all, good national leaders are visionary. They are people who know what they want to become and achieve (Maxwell 21). They are people who understand that they cannot meet what they want if they do not plan for it. Secondly, good national leaders are good communicators. It is through communication that they give their vision life. They communicate about their vision to those connected to them (Maxwell 22). As they share information, they get advised of the various things they should do to achieve their goals. Third, good national leaders are good listeners. They always listen to peoples suggestions and decide those suggestions (Maxwell 23). This helps them act according to the people’s needs. Fourth, good national leaders are competent. They accept the consequences of their actions without shuffling the blames to other people (Maxwell 24). They also stand firmly behind their commitments and try their best not to disappoint the people connected to them. Lastly, good national leaders are competent (Maxwell 25). They always display a competent attitude accomplishing their jobs in the best way.

Overall, good national leaders do not wait for any particular formula to take action. They always establish their plans, set goals, and then handle the tasks before them.

Work Cited

Maxwell, John C. Good leaders, ask great questions: Your foundation for successful leadership. Hachette UK, 2014.

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