Germany and its issues with ethnic conflicts

Since before the First World War

Many ethnic groups have settled in German. The Turks, who make up most of the population, are joined by Arabs who have converted to Islam. German has had several problems. The national identity war that existed in the late 1980s is one of them. The holocaust, the national socialist past, and the Second World War were repeatedly brought up in this debate. Several observers both within and outside Germany have called for a return to normalcy in the country due to this situation. The quest for normality and the country's modernization in the context of self-understanding aimed to shift the German identity definition and the country's self-understanding. The normality quest and the country's modernization in the context of self-understanding were aimed at shifting the German identity definition and the in approaches related to its culture, Islamic immigrants, and the history. There was a lot of rejection of several ethnic groups and religions that existed in the country in the early 1990s. Due to the unification policies, there were many revisions made in the immigration policies to favor the Muslim community. Additionally, there has been the formation of initiatives that administratively unite the Muslims. One of the examples includes the German Islamic Conference that has consistently called for the awareness of the community of Muslims in Germany. Furthermore, there were misunderstandings that triggered differences in the different racial groups. The society of the Muslims came up with many changes in the society and as a result, there were a lot of impacts that hindered the society at that given time.

Causes of the conflicts in the different ethnic groups in German

In German, different racial groups have varying causes of misunderstandings that exist amongst them. Religious differences are the leading cause of racial conflicts in German. These variations are in a way that each group strives to make its religion superior to the other races. For example, the Arabs wanted to establish much of their culture in the region. This made the Turkish community resist the Arabs’ idea since they were never interested in the Arabic culture, (Varshney and Ashutosh).

Additionally, the variations in the cultural beliefs brought about a lot differences. This aspect can be realized from the scenario when the Turkish wanted to dominate the region, yet the Germans where the real inhabitants of the region. A lot of resistance came resulting into conflicts, (Kolev, Wang).

In addition, the existence the social cultural or economic differences increased the pressures on the ethnic groups aiming to the top positions as regards to the economic power of the region. The grievances that came about in the policy set-ups as per some groups brought about the rise of conflicts since each group would support policies that favor their particular accelerated developments, (Bodenstein, Mark pp. 55-68). Lastly, the eagerness to lead among the groups increased the rate at which the conflicts were arising, since all the ethnic groups wanted to have the most powerful posts. Therefore, the ethnic groups advocated for their own members to take up the rule of law, (Varshney, Ashutosh).

Impacts of the Muslim settlement of the German community

There are numerous of impacts that the Muslim immigrants have on the German community. These impacts are categorized in two forms namely: the positive and the negative impacts.

Positive effects

The Muslims provide labor to the German community most especially in jobs that require the workforce energetic individuals. Most of the Muslim immigrants are comprised of the youth, who are considered energetic and able to handle a wide range of tasks. Therefore, the community of the German has enjoyed the cheap labor that is offered by the Muslims in the area. Additionally, there is innovation in developments since Muslims come with the new ideas to the area. Through this, the economic development in the new area is boosted. Most of the Muslims in the German area are businesses oriented and therefore help in boosting the economy of the region. Some of the Muslim immigrants come with a lot of skill in the technological sector. These skills aid in extending different services to the community through the education facilities, and health labor force provided, (Allievi, Stefano).

Negative impacts

There is a high rate of security threats in the area since their settlement attracts more of the kind that can easily come with bad records regarding criminal acts. Additionally, there has been an increased population rate in the area, which has brought about the scarcity of the resources that are distributed among the residents in the region. Due to the much belief in their religion, the Muslims, highly despise the religions in the area by calling their religion superior. Furthermore, there is a high rise for power since the Muslims also want to take up the big posts in the political wing. These struggles end up bringing conflicts in the region. Additionally, there is a high rise of intermarriages in the area since the Muslims mixes with the Germans and produce children, hence deterioration of the German culture with a reduced number of pure Germans. There is increased segregation in terms of employment where most of the consideration is based on the ethnicity and religions in the area, (Allievi, Stefano).

Solutions to the ethnic conflicts in German


There is the formation of initiatives and the reunion associations that aim at bringing together different religions and ethnic groups together to achieve common objectives in line with the development of the region. Additionally, there are common regulations set to be followed by both the locals and the immigrants with little specialties in the immigrant's social behavior restrictions. Through these endeavors, and advocacy for the unification of the locals and the Muslim immigrants in the German region is done, (Osipov, Alexander).


In resolving political conflicts in the region, the regulatory bodies set by-laws to be followed in conducting all the politically related activities in the area at that particular time. Therefore, this limits the conflicts that would emanate since the persons that violet the set by-laws are held responsible for any action they take. Additionally, there are set positions that can be taken by different ethnic groups in the area the operation period. Thus, there are specific positions and requirements set for the different groups of people to take up the region politically, (Kitschelt, Herbert).


The regulatory bodies of the region ensure that most of the economic conflicts are resolved by setting up regulation and rules that equally favor the locals and the immigrants in the region. Therefore, the economic policies are based on the internal factors to ensure they fit wherever they are applied to avoid conflicts among the participants. Additionally, conflict resolution is based on the economic power of the region to ensure the protection of the locals who participate or suffer the conflicts with the immigrants. More so, the conflicts based on the tax system is solved by setting new tax policies that favor both the Germans and the ethnic groups in the region that take part in the payment of tax to the legally accepted bodies, (Osipov, Alexander).


There are set rules that limit the social behaviors of both the local and the immigrants in the region. These have been put on given levels of social life. Additionally, there are social areas specifically arranged forgiven persons where prohibitions are put on the usage of the areas and regulation of the social behaviors of the ethnic groups. For example, areas that ban smokers, drunkards and many other drug cases of abuse in the region, (Bommes, Michael. pp. 127-185).


Many conflicts have occurred in the German region, being brought about by immigrants that come for settlement and other activities like education. Despite the conflicts that have continuously happened, much effort has been employed to curb them down. Therefore, restrictions on the kinds of people that come in the country have been emphasized. According to the discussion, it has been noted that Muslims and many other ethnic groups have opted for settlement in the area thus come with different impacts on the country. Therefore, much emphasis should be put on the social, economic and political behaviors of the region at that given time. However, from the above discussion, it can be realized that the Muslim and other immigrant's community have various impacts on the economy and social lives of people who live in Germany. This implies that the government has to fight in order to eradicate the negative impacts and promote strategies that can uplift the positive impacts for the betterment of the country.

Works cited

Allievi, Stefano. How the MuslimImmigrants has BecomePublic Debates in Europe. Revue européenne des migrations international [online], vol. 21 – no. 2/2005, (2005).

Bodenstein, Mark. Organizational developments towards legal and political recognition of Muslims in Germany\", in Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, Muslim Organisations, and the State. European Perspectives, Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, pp. 55-68. (2010),

Bommes, Michael. Migration Research in Germany: The emergence of a generalized research field in a reluctant immigration country. Thränhardt, Dietrich/Bommes, Michael (eds.), National Paradigms of Migration Research Göttingen: V&R uni press, pp. 127-185. (2010).

Kitschelt, Herbert. Patrons, clients, and policies: Patterns of democratic accountability and political competition. Cambridge University Press. (2007).

Kolev, Wang. Ethnic Group Divisions and Clientelism. APSA Annual Meeting Paper. (2010).

Osipov, Alexander. Non-Territorial Autonomy during and after Communism: In the Wrong or Right Place? Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe. (2013).

Varshney and Ashutosh. Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict. Oxford handbook of comparative politics. (2007).

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