Frequency Distribution for Student Responses Regarding Their Health Status at University of Nevada and Las Vegas

The frequency distribution of student comments about their health state at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Frequency of student responses
The total frequency
The percentages (%)
Percentages added together
Exceptional 229 229
22.02s 22.02s Goods 396s 625
38.08 60.10 Good 250 875 24.03 84.13 Poor 165 1040
Totals: 15.87 100.00
1040s 1040s 100.00s 100.00
The majority of pupils (38.08%) reported that their health was in good shape. On the other hand, 15.87% of those polled said their health was poor. At the universities, half of the students were satisfied with their health situation.An ordinal scale of measurement was used to assess the health of the students.

2. a) Mean for white adults =



Mean for black adults =


Median for white adults =

Median for black adults =

Interquartile ranges for white adults=


Interquartile range for black adults=


Standard deviation for white adults =


Standard deviation for black adults =


The independent variable in the above experiment is the number of hours worked by both the white and the black adults. We have two dependent variables which are the number of white adults and the number of black adults. There is a small variation in the working hours between white U.S adults and black adults. The level of measurement used to measure the above data is interval scale as it allows for a degree of difference between the two data sets.

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