Freedom found in colleges leading to Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Students choose the incorrect route because of the freedom they have in college. In colleges, almost all of the young people participate in gatherings that primarily involve drinking and using drugs. As a result, drug and drink abuse have long been associated with higher education. According to research, two-thirds of college students abused drugs during that time, and teenagers on average used drugs sixty percent of the time in the previous three months. Drug addiction, which has been steadily on the increase, is another danger to students. The greatest proportion of drug users in the nation are college pupils. The new students starting their college education are at a higher risk of engaging in drug and alcohol abuse because most of them are having first time being away from their native societies and are therefore very anxious and stressed about how to fit well in a college environment. Alcohol seems to be a remedy for them since it brings a lot of fun, enables them to socialize more easily, and is readily available in the college environment. However, not all the students who engage in drug and alcohol abuse end up becoming drug addicted, but trying drugs to have fun can lead to being addicted to drugs.

Drug and Alcohol Substances in Colleges

There is a variety of substances available and popularly used by students in schools. During the last decades, dangerous drugs such as opium and cocaine were freely sold and accessible. In that era drugs which are currently legal were prohibited, this includes marijuana and alcohol. Americans have done a lot of research on effects of drugs and alcohol, which has led to the real understanding of drug's side effects (White & Hingson, 2013). In the United States, new drug substances reach colleges before spreading among the public.

In colleges, every decade is characterized by different types of drugs that are popular in their time. For instance, in the early 1950's, college students followed Beatniks counterculture in large percentages, which was accompanied by the popularity of marijuana. This trend has endured for several years. The current percentage of college students smoking marijuana makes up to 36%, which is the most significant rate ever recorded. College students of 1960’s carried out a lot of experiments on drug abuse such as LSD and mushrooms. Cocaine came to market in 1980's among college students; it was believed to improve the performance of students and athletes.

Prescription pills' abuse rose in the year 2000; such substances included OxyContin, Ritalin, and Adderall. The purpose of painkillers in the period between 2008 to 2013 rose to 47%. The studies that have been recently done currently show that over 19% and 25% female and male students respectively use other illicit drugs, which are considered to be more robust than marijuana and alcohol (White & Hingson, 2013). Such figures indicate an increase from the rate of 19 % of college students who abused drugs in 1990.

However, modern college students incorporate substance abuse much more frequently in their lives. The introduction of new drug substances is very rapid; a study was carried out in 2014, which revealed that over 25% of college students had used illegal drugs during the month the survey was conducted. As a result of increased drug abuse among campus students, there is a more excellent opportunity for drug addiction.

Most students join colleges having a little experience with drug abuse. However, while in school, they have a lot of freedom since there is nobody to follow them up, their parents are away, and drug availability is what drags them to abuse. The first two months after joining college are the most critical since students face a lot of peer pressure plus expectations, which often leads to drug and alcohol consumption. College location is a key factor which contributes to drug abuse, and those students who study in places near towns tend to make up large numbers of drug users, mostly because of the availability of drugs. Also, those students who live in hostels or within the school environment tend to engage in drug consumption as compared to those who commute and live with their parents or guardians.

Reasons for substance abuse in college

Although there are various reasons why college students use drugs and consume alcohol, there are some common causes, including:

Increased Freedom

Students who join colleges experience a lot of freedom since to most, it is their first time being away from their parents, other adults, and home. Such situation can be very risky because experiencing the anxiety of adapting to college life, they can easily fall into drug and alcohol use. During this time, students make decisions on their own and are not accountable to anyone, for instance, whether to go to a party, a club, or a church.

Unstructured Time

At the beginning of college education, there is a lot of free and unstructured time. Students who have no other job to do besides studying have a lot of free time, which can bring a lot boredom to adolescents, making them seek actives that can fill their time. During such times, some students can resort to drug abuse just for fun.

Peer Pressure

There exist different social classes in college; students tend to fit in one of the groups in order to feel accepted (O’Keeffe, 2013). Mostly, those groups with students who engage in drug and alcohol abuse tend to be respected a lot and perceived as enjoying their lives in colleges. Other students could be tempted to engage themselves in drug abuse so as to in fit in such social class.

Academic Pressure

College students can choose to engage in drug abuse as a way of stimulating their minds. They use stimulants so that they are able to study for long hours without having a rest. Despite the fact that such students use drugs with the aim of improving their academic performances, it is drug abuse and can lead to drug addiction.


Some college students work in addition to studying, while some may have families to take care of. Trying to balance both social and academic life time becomes very difficult (O’Keeffe, 2013). Such a situation can provoke college students to start consuming alcohol and drugs in order to deal with stress.


Most students find college life an appropriate moment for trying and experimenting with anything new. They can be curious to know how it feels to engage in the use of the drug, which, however, ultimately leads to substance abuse. They could have had that curiosity while at home, but in college, the chances of experimenting are higher due to parental guidance.


Since drugs and alcohol are easily assessable, college students get them readily available anytime they need them. Parties and bars in colleges make drugs and alcohol even more available and do not strictly adhere to the rule prohibiting individuals under eighteen to access the drugs or alcohol (White & Hingson, 2013). Such environment enables young students to get engaged in drug abuse.

Overcome Inadequacy

Drugs and alcohol can be used by college students to overcome the feeling of being or inadequate, ae well as to deal with low self-esteem. Drugs and alcohol are used to boost confidence and lower ambitions in a person.

Greek Life

Whenever a student is a member of bodies such as female fraternity, research has shown that the participants of such groups are more likely to be involved in drug abuse than other students. According to the Education Department of the United States, joining such organizations is a good idea to college students, but can have a negative impact on drug abuse, eventually facilitating addiction.

Common Drugs in Colleges

Almost 80% of college students who are drug abusers also indulge in the use of alcohol, which created even more problems for staff, faculties, and other students in college. According to the research done by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCCAD), 95% of cases of violence in colleges are caused by alcohol abuse and drug-related conditions.

Currently, binge drinking is becoming difficult to eradicate in colleges, with the majority of students engaged in this trend. Binge drinking means drinking a lot in a very short time and becoming heavily drunk. For ladies, it could mean drinking four bottles, or five for men respectively.

Another problem with college students is that they mix alcohol together with energy drinks, which can be very dangerous. Alcohol-related activities have led to a lot of accidents resulting form hazing, which endangers people's lives. The report by NIH showed that more than 1800 college students of aged between 18 and 24 die every year as a result of accidents and injuries related to alcohol.

Energy Drinks and Alcohol

In the last five years, energy drinks have become very popular. They normally contain vitamin B, caffeine, sugar, and herbal extracts, which are meant to boost the energy of a person. Most college students take this drinks on a daily basis, which helps them to find the energy to carry on with the daily activities. However, very frequently, while visiting parties or bars, students take up to three bottles of energizer mixed with alcohol. The drink acts as a stimulant, raising heart rate due to the caffeine contained.

Contrary to this, alcohol slows heart rate since it is a depressant. However, when alcohol and energizer drink are combined, the body receives mixed signals, which can lead to problems related to heart, exhaustion, confusion, and difficulties in motor skills function and speaking (White & Hingson, 2013). The effect of alcohol is masked by caffeine in the energizer drink, and therefore, individuals drinking such mixture are more likely to experience binge drinking than those consuming pure alcohol.


It is commonly referred to as studying drug, which is becoming more common in colleges. As a rule, students consume these drugs with the aim of becoming more alert during class and study time. Adderall is a drug prescribed for use by ADHD patients. However, according to the survey done, one in every five students in colleges uses drugs without a prescription for the purpose of improved studies. Most students say they like consuming drugs because of how they feel high in the aftermath. The majority of students take this drug without prescription because they want to feel a sense of motivation, focus, and unique concentration during study time. They consider it very helpful during examination time when they are cramming since it can help them stay focused and avoid unnecessary distraction.

The abuse of Adderall has various negative effects on the users; it leads to depression, loss of appetite, headache, irritability, insomnia, mood swings, and low blood pressure. When college students use Adderall without doctor's prescription, after being diagnosed with ADHD, they are likely to become addicted. A survey carried out on drug use and health reported that 12% of people aged between 12 to 25 admitted suffering side effects as a result of using Adderall drug without a prescription, while college students made up half of this population.


Currently, many states have started legalizing the use of marijuana, which has a direct impact on college students. The use of marijuana in college is very rampant, and it is much higher than the consumption of other drugs. A report by Census Bureau of United States made in 2012 revealed that more than one million of Americans consume marijuana. However, it is not easy to know the amount of marijuana that is abused. Both smoking and medical marijuana have the same effects, including pain relief and mood improvement. People diagnosed with ADHD, migraines, AIDS, neurogenic pain, arthritis, and cancer are the ones whom medical marijuana is prescribed for use, although having less number of medical benefits. However, the abuse of the drug is constantly increasing, especially among college students. Marijuana is easily accessible to them since some doctors prescribe marijuana for patients with minor complications.

However, the abuse of marijuana is associated with many risks, including the increased reaction time, anxiety, distorted perception, rapid heartbeat, paranoia, impairments such as learning, judgment, memory, listening, as well as difficulties experienced in solving problems and even thinking. The abuse of marijuana is also frequently attributed to college students who show poor performance in academic studies, get involved in criminal acts, and have weak immune system or other health problems.


Ecstasy is the original drug which was popular in 1990's. The pure form of the drug comes back to colleges, and it was known as “molly” or MDMA. Both ecstasy and molly have common ingredients, which are caffeine, heroin, cocaine, rat poison, LSD, and amphetamines. In the United States, the drug is smuggled across the border of Canada. It has no medical use, but has the potential to be abused hence classified as a Schedule I Controlled Substance (White & Hingson, 2013). It is very difficult to access the pure form of this drug; hence, the users can not have knowledge about its composition.

College students engage themselves in consuming ecstasy because they want to be friendly, happy and have a feeling of well-being. The drug helps the user to have enhanced the sense of smell, sight, touch, and sound. Both forms of the drug are used by college students, mostly when they are in raves or clubs since they have their senses heightened. However, for other users, they may experience lowered ambitions, feel relaxed, energetic or calmed. Molly and ecstasy interfere with dopamine levels and the pleasure center of the brain, and although the feeling of highness after taking the drug lasts for a short period, the damage it can have can last for several days.

Ecstasy is an illegal drug. Therefore, its consumption is regarded as abuse. When the drug is taken frequently, it can lead to spiked temperatures, seizers, and foaming at the mouth of the user, which can eventually lead to heart issues and life-threatening conditions.


It is the popularly abused drug in various nations of the world; painkillers have become preferred drugs among college students. The numbers of college students who experience this drug overdose have been found to be increasing annually (O'Keeffe, 2013). The drugs is perceived by college students as appealing since it is easy to access and is not dangerous like other street drugs. The National Centre on Addiction and Substance Abuse (NACASA) reported that college students revealed that it is much easier for them to purchase a packet full of addictive painkiller than buying beers. The drug is cheap, legal, and easily accessible, which increases the chances of being addicted to it. Deaths resulting from drug overdose have continued to rise every year, it was reported by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was 38,329 deaths in United States of America in the year 2012, and four in every five death was caused by an overdose of OxyContin majority being college students. It is not easy to notice that one is addicted to it.

Issues that University Student Affairs Staff Face While Working Closely With Students

Working Effectively with a Diverse Population

Universities have students from different socioeconomic class, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, and ethnicity. Each unique category of students has different obstacles in their university education, which can include housing, admission disparity, campus environment and financial problems. Student affairs staffs have the responsibility of making their campus life more friendly and accommodative to all diverse students, admittig that it is challenging to get students assisted without understanding students' perspective. The team needs to have a range of competencies which will enable them to cope up with different personalities that students have.

Building and Developing a Community

Helping students to build a community among themselves can be a difficult task. However, it is essential. It promotes the feeling of self-worth and enables students to learn outside the classroom through discussions that they have with their peers from other community. To the institution, it helps to avoid occurrences of unwanted incidences such as strike (Zullig & Divin, 2012). Student affairs staff is the ones who do the shaping of the community they need in the university; they should aim at ensuring that the community they shape takes into consideration of all the diverse students in the institution. It can be very difficult to ensure that all students will fit well into the developed society.

Conflict Resolution

A more significant population of university students lack goods interpersonal skills to resolve any conflict that might arise, student affairs staff come in to help students solve and address the conflicting issues. The most common type of conflicts that students encounter is those with their fellow student, especially the roommates. However, there are various types of disputes experienced on campus (McCabe, West, Teter & Boyd, 2014). A conflict can arise between students and faculty, or between students leaders and the administration. All these types of disputes are meditated by the student affairs staff, which at some point may find it is like impossible to resolve however it lies on their hands to solve the cases in a fair way, without their colleagues or students feeling they have ruled against them


The majority of student affairs staff have not received training on guidance and advice; this is so ironical since most of their work involves offering guidance and counseling to students. They are the first people whom most students run to when the feel burdened with problems. It is not an easy task for an individual to offer services which he or she does not have competency in it (Zullig & Divin, 2012). This could help end frustrating both the student and the staff since the feel will not feel having being helped out, the staff member also feels inadequate for not being able to help the student out of the problem.

Campus ministries

Majority of the student affairs staff have preferred having several ministries in an institution which students can worship. This is preferred since it is believed to help students have good morals and reduces the cases of wanted behaviors being portrayed in the university (McCabe, West, Teter & Boyd,2014). Despite the fact that this ministry is started with intentions of having good results, it can end up bringing conflict among students in different ministries; this can result of having a competition of space to carry out the service in, among various departments.


The majority of today's population is composed of university students, drug and alcohol abuse, on the other hand, have been abused by a majority of these students. There are a lot of factors that influence college students into drug and alcohol use. The freedom that is experienced by the students can lead them to engage in the use of drugs. These drugs have various adverse side effects which are dangerous to the lives of human beings.

College students know these drugs however they remain ignorant and engage in them. Some of the college students engage in drugs as a way of fitting in the college environment. Some of these drugs can lead to ill health, and some students can end up dropping out of college. The college environment is what makes drugs and alcohol substances easily accessible by college students; this becomes a critical factor that makes college students engage in drug abuse.

University student affairs staff has encountered a lot of problems while working with students. These are because they have a significant responsibility of ensuring that university students have a smooth life while in the environment of the institution. Today, universities have a diversified population with different cultures, religion, sex and origin making the work of student affairs staff complicated.


McCabe, S. E., West, B. T., Teter, C. J., & Boyd, C. J. (2014). Trends in medical use, diversion, and nonmedical use of prescription medications among college students from 2003 to 2013: Connecting the dots. Addictive Behaviors, 39(7), 1176-1182.

O'Keeffe, P. (2013). A sense of belonging: Improving student retention. College Student Journal, 47(4), 605-613.

Velazquez, C. E., Poulos, N. S., Latimer, L. A., & Pasch, K. E. (2012). Associations between energy drink consumption and alcohol use behaviors among college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 123(1), 167-172.

Velazquez, C. E., Poulos, N. S., Latimer, L. A., & Pasch, K. E. (2012). Associations between energy drink consumption and alcohol use behaviors among college students. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 123(1), 167-172.

White, A., & Hingson, R. (2013). The burden of alcohol use: excessive alcohol consumption and related consequences among college students. Alcohol Research: Current reviews 2013;35(2):201-18.

Zullig, K. J., & Divin, A. L. (2012). The association between non-medical prescription drug use, depressive symptoms, and suicidality among college students. Addictive Behaviors, 37(8), 890-899.

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