Essays on Zoology

Evolution of whales

Cetaceans include porpoises, whales and dolphins, and they are an order of mammals that originated in the Eocene epoch about 50 million years ago. Their predecessors were mostly terrestrial artiodactyls and they looked like small deer. The early cetaceans were amphibians, while the modern ones are obligate aquatic mammals. Hippos...

Words: 2253

Pages: 9

Practical Aquaculture - Sustainability and Ethical challenge of Business Development

Practical Aquaculture - Sustainability and Ethical Business Development Aquaculture is a practice that keeps on gaining economic significance because of the dietary benefit related with the white meat instead of red meat (Pullin, Froese, and Pauly 53; Thu and Lebailly 1). This has meant expanded raising...

Words: 1842

Pages: 7

The Birds Of Prey Article

Birds of Prey Birds of prey are birds that hunt and feed on small animals or rodents. This essay offers an insight into their habitats, range or one-of-a-kind types, reproduction and their adaptations and function in the environment. Habitats These birds live on almost each continent and in every habitat of the world...

Words: 1284

Pages: 5

The Impacts of pollution on Animal Extinction

Pollution and its Impact on Wildlife Pollution has over the years emerged as one of the approaches through which people have prompted extreme alterations and extinction of animals, precise wildlife and their habitat. Human beings have considered the air, water, and soil surrounding them as waste repositories and have paid little...

Words: 1282

Pages: 5

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