Impact of social media and the internet on the Acknowledgment of Rape Culture in America

The conversation on rape culture in America today has never been more tense than ever. Recent harassment and abuse cases involving top celebrities have fueled an ever more raging controversy, pitting activists, feminists and concerned people against each other. More pitiful is the fact that the Internet and social media...

Words: 2496

Pages: 10

Juvenile Delinquency

A status offense and its impact on juvenile delinquents A status offense is described in juvenile law as an act committed by a minor that would not be deemed a crime if committed by an adult. Truancy, running away from home or from a parent, possession, and ingestion of alcohol or...

Words: 446

Pages: 2

What leads some children to bully others?

Factors that Make People Intimidate Others Before explaining the factors that make people intimidate others, one needs to thoroughly consider the sense of intimidating others. Bullying, for others, can involve purposeful attempts to manipulate others by using verbal harassment, for example, by taunting or insulting others. That can also be in...

Words: 2490

Pages: 10


Sexism is a collection of actions and attitudes against or belittles a person or judges them on the basis of perpetuating traditional gender stereotypes roles. The term patriarchy is currently used to refer to the mentality of men towards women. Traditionally, based on the male line, the rights to nationality...

Words: 584

Pages: 3

Gender Stereotypes

Gender Stereotyping and its Negative Implications Gender stereotyping implies a generalized view or interpretation of the sex characteristics, distinctions, or positions of individuals in society, according to Lindsey & Linda (315). Apparently, there is a misconception that different roles should be done by men or women. Gender stereotypes, however, may be...

Words: 433

Pages: 2

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