The easternmost nation on the Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia is officially known as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It is the ninth-most populous Asian nation and the 14th-most populous country in the world, according to estimates from 2016. Its population is estimated to be 92.7 million. Vietnam's neighbors to...
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Last Days in VietnamLast Days in Vietnam combines two films into one that took place about 40 years ago and tells the vivid tale of Americans muddled departure from South Vietnam when communist forces closed in on Saigon. The other film is a related tale that has been reflected...
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IntroductionBetween 19961 and 1963, the Vietnamese government implemented the Strategic Hamlets Program as the central strategy for the pacification of South Vietnam. The first step in putting the initiative into action was to separate the rural people from the Vietcong community guerrillas. The primary goal was to improve stability, social...
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James Bond Stockdale served in the United States Navy as a vice admiral and was one of the most decorated officers in the service's history. He studied philosophy at Stanford University while serving in the military as a pilot. He chose to study philosophy on his own initiative because he...
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