Essays on Technology

Network Engineer Personal Statement

I have always been excited about Information Technology and this is what drove me to pursue Network Engineering. This field interests me due to the fact of its challenging complexity and the rate of growth and dynamics that characterize the industries it serves. While I was nonetheless a student, I had...

Words: 945

Pages: 4

Energy methods and static mechanics

Gears in Automobiles Gears are used in automobiles to move from the engine crankshaft to the driving wheel axle. They relay the motion from one end to the other. The gears of the automobile sector are used to slow down or speed up the motion of the cars. The mechanism entails...

Words: 620

Pages: 3

I would like to request a change from my current Chemical Engineering major to Electrical engineering.

I would like to request a transition from my new Major in Chemical Engineering to Electrical Engineering. This decision was made after several consultations with my close friends and family. Intensive testing has already been carried out by trained engineers, reputable publications and the internet, which have a huge impact on...

Words: 314

Pages: 2

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