Essays on Musicians


Yoga has been defined as a method of controlling the alteration of one's brain. Yoga is also a commonly known term around the world, and many people follow it. However, there are a variety of causes why people practice yoga today, including mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, or all three....

Words: 1907

Pages: 7

Beyoncé's performance at the Grammays

Beyonce’s performance of Sandcastles and Love Drought were powerful in rendition. Her performance included the use of holograms, head pieces and digital screens. She, through her performance, evoked religious symbolism from the goddess of Hindu and Virgin Mary of Christianity. The performance stunning, though she performed while being pregnant with...

Words: 687

Pages: 3

song analysis of The Beatles

The paper delves into three artistic works by the Beatles, the most well-known band of the twentieth century. There is some contemplation on the mysteries of music and the origins of inspiration that fed the musicians. There are some theories about the harmonic arrangement, harmony, sound style, and other elements...

Words: 2537

Pages: 10

Essay On The Beatles

The Beatles: Revolutionizing Rock and Roll Music The Beatles are one of the most iconic musical forces of the twentieth century, inspiring the world and paving the way for other artists. The Beatles were a four-man band that rocked the world by revolutionizing rock and roll music. With their songs, the...

Words: 1626

Pages: 6

Hip-hop Intertwines Class, Gender and Race

Markedly, the hip-hop lifestyle is intricately intertwined with race, class, and gender. This argumentative essay looks into the context of them intertwining with the hip-hop culture. Moreover, it looks into the way hip-hop challenges people’s way of questioning and the ones responsible for the culture. In the past thirty...

Words: 1552

Pages: 6

the beat generation and the beatles

During their productive years, the Beatles had a huge influence on the American and Western European cultures. Any of their chart-topping hits can still be seen in Rock n Roll music theaters and personal music players today. The Beatles' albums, like those of other popular music artists, were influenced by...

Words: 1734

Pages: 7

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