Regarding Self-Care

On the first day I was able to take some time off and go to a calm portion of a recreational park a few kilometers from my home. After I had settled, I closed my eyes and began to consider my attitude toward job tasks. I was able to recognize that...

Words: 559

Pages: 3

From the Beginnings of Yoga to the Present

Yoga: A Brief Introduction Yoga is an ancient Indian physical and spiritual practice. The discipline includes meditation, exercises, and the use of breathing techniques. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit expression "to yoke," and it has been uniting the universal consciousness with the consciousness of the exerciser (Carlson & Barry 130). The...

Words: 609

Pages: 3


Yoga has been defined as a method of controlling the alteration of one's brain. Yoga is also a commonly known term around the world, and many people follow it. However, there are a variety of causes why people practice yoga today, including mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, or all three....

Words: 1907

Pages: 7

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