Essays on Language

Korean Language and Culture

The Korean Language The Korean language is an East Asian language spoken in both North and South Korea. It is one of the Korean languages and is officially and nationally spoken in these two republics. However, each country has standardized the official form to be used within the specific territories (Mente...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

Old English to Middle English Transition

The English language has experienced a lot of changes since the fifth century up to date. There have been some phases which clearly indicate the transition period up to date. These are the Old English period, Middle English period and the Modern English period. The Old English period had most...

Words: 1394

Pages: 6

Is Texting Killing The English Language?

Language and Social Relations- Written Task Language and Literature SL IB. Critics in the last few years have come up strongly against electronic communication through texting on the grounds that it will not only cause the emergence of new vocabularies but will also make the existing ones to disappear. They...

Words: 1046

Pages: 4

Grammatical Structure in English Language

A. 1. The grammatical structure is a complex sentence. 2. The grammatical structure is a simple sentence. 3. The grammatical structure is a simple sentence (Parrot, 2010).         B. Grammatical structure is the manner in which meanings are encrypted into words in the   English language. In English grammar, the...

Words: 1708

Pages: 7

The Benefits of Studying Grammar

Unlike a few years ago, I had no challenges comprehending concepts in recent grammar classes. After studying topics assigned for week one, I now know that traditional grammar classifies words into eight different categories, collectively known as parts of speech (VanderMey, Meyer, and Rys). These include nouns, pronouns, verbs, conjunctions,...

Words: 342

Pages: 2

The Importance of Vocabulary in Communication

A Larger Vocabulary and its Importance A larger vocabulary is not only essential for the foundation of comprehension but also improves all areas of communication; thus writing, reading, speaking, and listening. One should never hesitate to expand his or her vocabulary because it can be a source of pride, and heritage...

Words: 344

Pages: 2

World Englishes

The world has in the recent past experienced the spread of English as the language of communication and therefore earning itself the title of a global language. The spread of the English language has however stimulated interesting and controversial debate about the status and varieties of English which are commonly...

Words: 2438

Pages: 9

The Importance of Language in British Universities

British universities higher qualifications and education have an impressive international reputation. Students in these universities can develop their skills and potential as they enjoy a social life. Students who study in these universities also develop good language skills. British universities provide international students with language support depending on the...

Words: 680

Pages: 3

The Different Methods of Language Learning

Comprehending a Novel Language Comprehending a novel language takes time and various techniques are used to achieve the same. The Direct Method is one of the most applied approaches for years. The procedure uses realia and visual aids to demonstrate the use of language. Learners get inducted into grammar by being...

Words: 290

Pages: 2

The Linguistic Differences Between American Sign Language and Black American Sign Language

The article entitled “Investigating Black ASL: A Systematic Review” by Andrea Toliver-Smith and Betholyn Gentry reviews the literature about linguistic differences exhibited in American Sign Language (ASL). The authors’ systematic review aimed at adequately describing and acknowledging sociological differences or variations in Black ASL. The variations in Black ASL are considered...

Words: 392

Pages: 2

The Importance of Early Language Intervention for Immigrant Students

Currently, there are approximately 80 million immigrants in the U.S. (Zong " Batalova, 2017). Among the immigrants' population, according to the U.S. Department of Education (2014), of the school-age children, over 25.1 million people are deemed Limited English Proficient (Zong " Jeanne, 2015). Besides, over 17.4 million children reside in...

Words: 404

Pages: 2

Advantages of Teaching English as a Second Language (ESL)

According to Wessels and Trainin (2014), there are tendencies for teachers to overlook the fact that not all families share the same linguistic, social, and cultural practices of book reading that many middle-class US families have”. The above notion is correct based on the factor the United States consists of...

Words: 610

Pages: 3

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