Cultural competence is the ability to understand and connect with people from different cultures. Cultural competence enhances diversity among many individuals in places such as work, schools and social sites and religion (Betancourt et al., 2016), especially with the Torres Strait Islanders and the aboriginal people. The native people are...
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Pages: 4
In The Gift - McCarty et al. (2006) Research In The Gift, McCarty et al (2006) conducted a research on the indigenous youth counter-narratives of native language between 2001 and 2006. They mainly based their study on the nature and effects of the loss and retention of native language on American-Indian...
Words: 894
Pages: 4
In essence, indigenous religion is a faith that has evolved and is affiliated with a certain ethnic community. There is a wide group of ethnic religions practiced by various peoples all over the world. While many of the various manifestations of indigenous religions arose in isolation from one another, there...
Words: 611
Pages: 3