The Loss and Retention of Native Language

In The Gift - McCarty et al. (2006) Research

In The Gift, McCarty et al (2006) conducted a research on the indigenous youth counter-narratives of native language between 2001 and 2006. They mainly based their study on the nature and effects of the loss and retention of native language on American-Indian students.

The researchers analyzed demographics like language identities, academic and learning achievements. The researchers used various methods to conduct the study which included ethnographic interviews, participant statement and, questionnaires. Single interview sequence was also used where it contained four elements; a dedicated life history, specifics of school experiences, observation of individual language use in the school, life goals and aspirations of the youth. The investigators found out that most youths value their native languages and regard it as the center of their personal identities and wish their parents would teach about it (McCarty et al, 2006).

Importance of Native Languages

According to the study, gifts should be cherished since the communities consider native languages as something that should be given to children from one generation to another. When one language falls silent, the world loses a significant knowledge and effectively natives' language remains the only sustainable means of holy communication. Language is what helps people identify themselves with who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. As youth continue learning foreign languages, the older generation should continue teaching them their languages and cultures so that they may not depart from it as this will help the communities preserve their traditions.

The Samies - Johaness Marainen's Story

In The Samies, Johaness Marainen was brought up in a nomad school. During childhood, the environment comprised purely Sami where they used their own life in terms of culture and language. His first contact with Sweden was when he started going to school and he was not aware he was a Swedish Citizen since they did not live in Sweden the whole year (Williams, 1998).

His family used to spend some part of the year (summer) on the Norwegian part of the border. It was in Sweden where he discovered his name was Johaness Marainen in Swedish and he was surprised because he was used to the name Lásbietheaihkajohánas which was in Sami. They attended school from June to August and from January to April.

In school, Swedish mother tongues filled most parts of the timetable for the first few years. According to the regulations of nomad schools, Sami children were supposed to be punished if they used their own language in schools. It was not allowed in between the lessons. The rule was later abolished in 1956 (Williams, 1998). This made him bad when his culture was not recognized and everything that had to do with their way of life was looked down upon.

After he left that school which he despised so much, he continued his education in Kiruna (Williams, 1998). He later decided to draw a little attention to his Sami background as soon as possible and as he continued to study, he accepted he was more Swedish. He also realized he had become an exotic Sami.

Realization and Reflection

He became a mother tongue teacher in an upper secondary school in Gothenburg after which he began to realize the Swedish education system had denied him of something very special in his life which was his language (Williams, 1998). He later discovered he couldn't speak Sami as he had not been in continuous contact with Sami environment and culture. This made him feel he had let down the Sami people and himself which led him to the realization that even if he was forced to choose Swedish culture over his own, he did not regret since he discovered the two cultures were not very different. Marainen did not physically return to his roots but believed he was a Sami among the Swedes (Williams, 1998).

Preservation of Language and Culture

The Navajos and the Samis faced discrimination since they are indigenous and minority in the society. Their natural environment and cultures from an early age and consequently their language and cultures are preserved and practiced over many generations. The Samis mainly practiced reindeer husbandry as their main cultural activity and this made them believe in the importance of reindeer meat in their diet. Navajo People valued their language because their identity was found through sharing of oral stories (McCarty et al, 2006). In both communities, they always considered their language as a sign of self-identification and pride.


Conclusively, a language is what helps people identify themselves with who they are, where they come from, and where they are going. Indigenous people represent a very small portion of the world's population and they are always very diverse. Most indigenous people have been oppressed and looked down upon throughout history in which survival of their cultures is a sign of resilience. Some natives keep their traditions while others modify their identities as time changes. There must be a place in the society where indigenous inhabitants would have a voice, speak their mind while elders should tell their traditional stories to the youth in order to preserve their cultures.


McCarty, T. L., Romero, M. E., " Zepeda, O. (2006).Reclaiming the gift: Indigenous youth counter-narratives on Native language loss and revitalization. The American Indian Quarterly, 30(1), 28-48.

Williams, K. (1998). Education and human diversity: The ethics of separate schooling revisited. British         Journal of Educational Studies, 46(1), 26-39.

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