Essays on Immigration

Immigration in Texas

For some years, the issue of immigration has been a problem to the residents of Texas. Although various strategies have been implemented to address the problem, it appears that little has been achieved, and therefore the House of Representatives need to introduce a debate and also come up with policies...

Words: 902

Pages: 4

Sanctuary Cities and Immigration Policy

This article presents and examines the looming immigration policy to be enacted by President Donald Trump. The President uses the word “sanctuary” with disgust to refer to cities such as New York City for welcoming; shielding and supporting immigrants of whom he believes should be deported to their countries. Furthermore,...

Words: 299

Pages: 2

The United States Immigration and Border Security Problems

This is an essay paper about the United States immigration and border security problems and how this has affected the primary objective of the Department of Homeland Security. This paper will begin by giving a brief history of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and how this department...

Words: 2449

Pages: 9

Benefits of DACA Program for Undocumented Immigrants

The United States has millions of undocumented immigrants who came into the country as children before attaining the age of sixteen years, and their parents do not own legal residence in the US. This group of people accounts for 1.3 percent of the American population, and they live in fear...

Words: 2516

Pages: 10

Application for a Genuine Temporary Entry Visa

I hereby seek to be granted a Genuine Temporary Entrant visa, as I seek to extend my education in your great country, in the accompaniment of my spouse. In my bid, I seek to pursue a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Being a Filipino citizen, I believe that I can immensely...

Words: 345

Pages: 2

Dominican Immigrants in Washington Heights

Caribbean Immigrants have been living in America since the early 20th Century.  Their homeland, the Caribbean region includes countries and island such as Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados., Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas. Caribbean immigrants have been prevalently settling in urban areas, although few have been settling in...

Words: 1705

Pages: 7

The Reasons Behind Illegal Immigration

The Importance of Border Control The United States has spent a lot of the taxpayer's money on border control. Illegal immigration is one of the reasons why border control is crucial. Illegal immigration increases security risks in the country as some of these migrants can be terrorists or enemies of the...

Words: 285

Pages: 2

Europe is Making a Fatal Mistake

The Impact of Immigration on Europe Immigrants have been on the rise in most countries globally. There has been some heated debate on whether sanctioning refugees into various nations, attributes to their development or deterioration. The article Europe is making a Fatal Mistake, articulates about the migrants in Europe....

Words: 860

Pages: 4

Moral Panic in The Reaction of Australians to Asylum Seekers

The issue of illegal immigration and increased number of asylum seekers The issue of illegal immigration and increased number of asylum seekers has caused hysteria in the Australian public. Several boats carrying asylum seekers have arrived into the country in the recent past, causing significant concern among members of Australian communities....

Words: 1496

Pages: 6

Illegal Immigration in the United States

Illegal immigration alludes to the migration of persons into a nation in means which infringe the immigration requirements of the country. Also, it incorporates staying in a nation without the legal right more so after the expiry of visas. In the United States, illegal immigration refers to unlawful entry into...

Words: 2128

Pages: 8

Our Fear of Immigrants

Historical Fear of Immigrants in America Historically, Americans fear immigrants and people alleged that newcomers have an impact that culminates in significant social issues. Cultural differences between the migrants and the citizens, economic tensions arising from changes in the work situations and the influence on power have been cited to be...

Words: 1257

Pages: 5

The Journey Begins

In The Journey Begins (2017) by advertiser 84 Lumber, a girl wakes her mother up and starts looking for their documents to enhance their immigration to America. As immigrants take their journey, they face many challenges in their journey. In the video, the girl and her mother engage in an...

Words: 616

Pages: 3

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