Analysis of Igor Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring"

Igor Stravinski's "Rite of Spring" Igor Stravinski's "Rite of Spring" is arguably one of the most controversial ballets of all time. It is popular for triggering a riot among the audience on its debut. Music enthusiasts opine that the audience was elated by the barbaric dissonance and rhythms inherent in the...

Words: 353

Pages: 2

The Importance of Gardening

A garden refers to a well-planned outdoor space that people cultivate and plant trees, flowers, fruits, and vegetables. A garden includes both natural and artificial materials to prepare the ground for cultivation. For a garden to be referred to as a garden, it consists of soil, sunlight, water, fertilizer and...

Words: 2865

Pages: 11

The Role of Women in the Cycling Culture

Some of the benefits of cycling Some of the benefits of cycling include fun since it is fun, plain and simple, secondly, fitness that helps to burn the calories and varies according to the speed and topography, thirdly happiness, since most people would not like to identify with traffic or riding...

Words: 401

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The Performance of The Quantum Leap

The Quantum Leap The Quantum Leap was an exciting dance performance composed by a group of fifty people. The team was structured in such a way that the number of female dancers was equal to that of males. The dance was composed to explore the history of human experience in Australia...

Words: 601

Pages: 3

Transportation in Thailand

The Transport Infrastructure in Thailand The transport infrastructure is a significant and inevitable aspect of human life since it allows people to move from a single place to another in search of goods, services, desires, and opportunities. There exist numerous transportation modes globally with the most common types being, road, air,...

Words: 2033

Pages: 8

The Role of Dance in Cultural Identity

A Culture and its Purpose A culture comprises of people who belong to a certain social group. Such individuals share common values and beliefs. Therefore, the purpose of culture is to develop a sense of community among the individuals. Culture is an important aspect of life that holds people together. Dance...

Words: 889

Pages: 4

The Impact of School Gardens on Students

The article by Caitlin Flanagan in the Atlantic Magazine titled “Cultivating Failure” highlights a wide range of arguments with respects to school gardens and how they affect students’ performance at school. Caitlin’s argument is that these gardens are stripping students of valuable time to become “educated”. The exact words are...

Words: 367

Pages: 2

Why People Garden

Gardening as a Soulful Activity Gardening is one of the most favorite hobbies of many people, therefore, so many of us like gardens and find something special and peculiar in them. One may admit that garden is not merely a place, where plants and trees grow. It is a part of...

Words: 2808

Pages: 11

Breakdance in Haiti

When the African, as slaves, were introduced to the Caribbean island of Haiti, the carried among them their cultural and ritual traditions. Dances and songs from various regions of Africa, as well as from the diverse ethnic groups, crossed paths and blended to create a new uniquely Haitian expression. Some...

Words: 1153

Pages: 5

Garba Dance

The Garba Dance also termed as Garaba refers to an Indian dance mostly performed during special occasions as well as festivals in Gujarat India. The word Garba was historically derived from the Sanskrit term Garbha which translates to “womb” and Deep which generally refers to “light inside a pot”; hence,...

Words: 1492

Pages: 6

The Role of Dancing in Mental Health

Compare and Contrast Choreographer Nina Martin and Barbara Dilley Nina Martin and Barbara Dilley are among the renowned choreographers in the dancing fraternity. The contribution of the two has introduced and strengthened dancing techniques in performing art. What makes the two unique in the performing art sector is that they both...

Words: 717

Pages: 3

Bugaku as an Object of Fashion

Victoria and Albert Museum contains various items and collections including those related to fashion. Some of these fashion items include the Bugaku, which was created by George Balanchine after being inspired by the Gakaku (a group of dancers and musicians maintained by the Japanese Imperial Household), who visited the United...

Words: 1125

Pages: 5

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