
Leadership Styles On this planet, we have different kinds of leaders with distinct characters that allow them to rule. These leaders can be inspirational, transformational, or transactional. Charismatic leaders are those who know how to connect and convince others to do what they believe is right or what they desire. These...

Words: 1183

Pages: 5

Homeless and Help

Because of the societal expectations that revolve around their lives, homeless people face tremendous challenges. Lack of food, shelter, crime, and substance use are among the challenges they face. These problems contribute to psychological discomfort due to social stigmatization of homeless people. These psychological problems worsen and their wellbeing is compromised...

Words: 1464

Pages: 6


Ethiopia still has considerable progress in promoting and increasing its water supply coverage considering its large scale, sparse population, low infrastructure and water expenditure. Despite the issues of universal access to water, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) safe water supply coverage is achievable. Improved water coverage for efficient clean water...

Words: 2277

Pages: 9

In A Room of One’s Own, Woolf addresses various issues of class structures.

In what ways does Woolf, on the one hand, recognize and criticize class structures while, on the other hand, ignoring their impact in A Room of One's Own? Woolf tackles different issues of class structure in A Room of One's Own. Woolf discusses topics such as the value of capital. Money,...

Words: 1777

Pages: 7

Playing the guitar is both fun and challenging

Guitar Playing Guitar playing is both enjoyable and challenging; among the musical instruments young people want to learn, it's a common preference. I might be a guitar if I were a commodity, because my life's singing and music. Whenever I am not interested in productive things such as school work, I...

Words: 605

Pages: 3

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