Essays on George Washington

George Washington is a man of many accomplishments, so writing about him is nothing but an adventure – George Washington essay is a must-do assignment for everyone. George Washington was the 1st President of the United States, a Founding Father, Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, a participant in the War of Independence, and founder of the American presidency. But many essay-writers don't mention in their essays on George Washington that he was also a planter, farmer, family man, hard-worker, hunter, and fisherman. George Washington participated in the writing of American Constitution and later won the Presidential election without running any election campaign – do mention this curious fact in your George Washington essays! Henry Lee once described Washington as: “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen”. Peruse George Washington essay samples below if you want to learn even more about this outstanding man.

Analysis of George Washington Dodge Challenger Commercial

Designers of commercial adverts strive to develop a message that connects with the target audience. The message is designed in a way that it will provoke emotional appeal among the target audience. As such, the audience will feel certain kind of connection with the advert prompting them to heed the...

Words: 1156

Pages: 5

Constitution of the United States

George Washington and the Constitution George Washington expressed confidence in the new legal document that would guide the United States of America for the first time in his letter establishing the constitution (Goldoni 387). He emphasized the multiple essential principles of democracy inherent in the constitution’s benefits to both citizens and...

Words: 617

Pages: 3

The painting - George Washington Crossing the Delaware

Like all other forms of art, painting is intended to convey knowledge that the viewer can identify with and comprehend. The knowledge that an artist wants to convey through different types of paintings comes from a variety of events. Inspiration from Historical Events Numerous famous artworks have drawn inspiration from historical events....

Words: 994

Pages: 4

farewell address by Washington

In 1796, George Washington s Farewell Address George Washington discovered that he was about to resign as president of the United States, and then made a farewell speech that acted as a message and a piece of advice to the Americans. George s speech showed his concern for the protection, security,...

Words: 667

Pages: 3

The Athenaeum Painting

Paintings of George Washington I have chosen the paintings of George Washington which was created on 1 January 1796 in Boston. This artwork is additionally known as the unfinished and Athenaeum portrait. After visiting the museum of best arts virtually, I learned several matters regarding the artwork. For example, the artist...

Words: 650

Pages: 3

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