Essays on Environment Problems

The Importance of Sustainable Development

As the world keeps on changing, that is; socially, economically and environmentally, concerns are being raised over the changes and in particular, on their sustainability. As a result of that, scholars have come up with the idea of sustainable development as a solution to the probable risk of which the...

Words: 1656

Pages: 7

The Effects of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most controversial topics of debates in the modern era with skeptics arguing that is a conspiracy meant to scare the public. However, there are sufficient facts to prove that climate change a real event that is gradually happening the world. Quite often, the change...

Words: 1079

Pages: 4

The Importance of Denuclearization in North Korea

Nuclear Program in North Korea Nuclear program in North Korea do not comprise of the instability’s main sources in the east Asian place and the peninsula of Korea but it also outlines and explains the potential risks brought about by the proliferation of nuclear. The two thousand and three initiated Six-Party...

Words: 961

Pages: 4

The Definition of Terrorism

Guy-Uriel Charles, the writer of the article, “Stop Calling Quake Victims Looters” points out that the use of the term looters against victims of earth quake is contemptuous making of moral judgment. The author argues that the term looter characterizes an individual as a criminal contrary to describing or defining...

Words: 1191

Pages: 5

The Impact of Mining on the Environment

Mining and its Impacts Mining has been a subject of debate due to its varied positive economic and negative social and environmental impacts. The primary concern is whether the financial results outweigh the social and ecological concerns. Mining advocates stress the values and the importance of minerals in our current world...

Words: 480

Pages: 2

The Relationship Between Climate Change and Population

Today, the crisis that has posed the greatest concern on the planet earth is the overpopulation issue (Ehrlich, 2002). The threat of overpopulation and the constant rapid increase has greatly impacted and is still projected to severely impact the affairs of the various state nations, developed and developing, the poor...

Words: 3729

Pages: 14

The Effects Of Human Activities On The Planet

Growing human population has forced man to come up with various innovations and civilizations that attempts at making life comfortable. Overpopulation has led to over exhaustion of natural resources and human has been using these civilizations to supplement for such shortages. This overexploitation of earth resources has made geologists to...

Words: 1557

Pages: 6

Human Impact on the Environment

World Population Growth and Resource Sustainability Over the decades, the world population has ever been on the rise, with no sign of slowing down. According to York (14), today there is an estimated more than seven billion people as a result of the fast growth rate. This is a mind-blowing revelation...

Words: 1055

Pages: 4

The Impact of Tourism on the Environment

Negative Impacts of Tourism on the Environment Nations with tourist attraction sites have benefited from the income that tourism contributes to the economy through employment, foreign exchange earnings, and growth of service sectors (Postma and Schmuecker, 145). However, tourism may also result in adverse outcomes in the environment, communities, natural resources,...

Words: 1287

Pages: 5

Causes and Effects of Deforestation

The principle of causality The principle of causality best explains the connection between a cause and an effect. Causality is a universal connection of phenomena through which one thing (the cause) under certain conditions results in something else (the effect). Deforestation Deforestation is the permanent removal of earth’s forest done in small and...

Words: 909

Pages: 4

Environmental Statement by Chief Seattle

In the speech referred to as Environmental Statement Chief Seattle expresses his concerns and those of the native people regarding the environment. After the governor of Washington territory intentions to buy the people’s land, Chief Seattle was worried about the degradation that would befall the land. Divine Connection with Nature At the beginning...

Words: 568

Pages: 3

Palmetto Bay Park

Palmetto Bay Park I visited Palmetto Bay Park which sits on 25-acre land located in Miami, Florida just off US-1. The park was initially called Perrine park but was later renamed to Palmetto Bay Park in 2006. The park is surrounded by a serene environment full of trees, green grass and...

Words: 609

Pages: 3

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