Essays on Cold War

Cold War essay covers a period in world history from 1946 to 1989 that is known by the confrontation between two political blocs led by the USSR and the USA. Cold War essays state that after World War II, the world was divided into two spheres of influence – USSR wished to expand the outreach of communism, while the opposite party tried to contain it. Essays on Cold War go into detail about the events of the war. As countries felt the need to build up their military potential, an arms race started. Essays note that after both sides acquired enough nuclear weapons to guarantee mutually assured destruction, the conflict came to an end. There is much to be said about the events of the Cold War – our Cold War essay samples cover it in detail, so feel free to check them out. We listed our best essay samples below.

The Vietnam War

In the first episode of the Vietnam War, which lasted from 1858 to 1961, the Vietnamese revolutionaries headed by Chi Minh put an end to a century of French colonialist rule. As the cold war heats up, we witness the division of Vietnam in Geneva. While America backs Ngo Dinh...

Words: 2040

Pages: 8

The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America by Stephen G. Rabe

The Killing Zone: The United States Wages Cold War in Latin America, by renowned scholar Stephen G. Rabe, provides a detailed account of what happened in Latin America during the Cold War era. The book is widely praised for its in-depth analysis and criticism of the US government's then-regional policies....

Words: 1318

Pages: 5

the war between Somalia and Ethiopia

During the Cold war, the war between Somalia and Ethiopia was crucial in defining the course of the East African region. To begin, one must understand that Somalia was attempting to create a Greater Somalia by annexing regions of Ethiopia and Kenya populated by Somali-speaking ethnic populations. Despite being well-funded...

Words: 1559

Pages: 6

The cold war

The term "cold war" refers to a period in history during which major countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union competed militarily and politically. The cold war period of 1974-1991 was followed by the significant, impacting decades of years ahead globally. Warfare such as the Korean War...

Words: 3067

Pages: 12

The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis was a dangerous Cold War confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States. That was also the moment that the two world powers were on the verge of a nuclear war. It was exceptional in a variety of respects, including...

Words: 677

Pages: 3

Nuclear Weapons and North Korea

Nuclear bombs are still a source of contention today. Despite the fact that some may regard them as a regrettable relic or remnant of the Cold War. Nuclear-weapons states are clinging to them as tightly as they can, inventing new designs and functions for them. They've also proposed tiny arms...

Words: 2221

Pages: 9

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