Essays on American Government

Background History of United States Treasury Department

The United States Treasury Department has played a significant role in the provision of government services to the people throughout American history. The history of the agency dates back to the early days of the American Revolution. This was the period during which the Continental Congress, meeting in Philadelphia, identified...

Words: 1576

Pages: 6

Why US Presidents Were Adamant about Protecting the Spoils System

Following Senator William L. Marcy's contentious declaration in 1829, "to the winners belong the spoils," the spoils system was founded. It was a new system in which political appointments dictated who would hold civil and government positions. While the contentious spoils system was considered to be a means of encouraging...

Words: 290

Pages: 2


The US Government and Medicaid/ Medicare Programs The US government oversees both the Medicaid and Medicare programs. On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed them into law with the intention of assisting the elderly and low-income Americans in purchasing personal health insurance. The president hoped that by doing this, the...

Words: 1433

Pages: 6

Municipal Government Operations Governance Structures and Political Influence

Local Governments in the US Local governments serve as the states' legal frameworks in the US. According to state statutes and constitutions, they were established. The establishment of local governments and the scope of their powers are both covered by state laws. In the US, counties, municipalities, townships, and school and...

Words: 435

Pages: 2

Gun Control

The ban on gun ownership in the United States was enacted in response to a number of recent shootings (Wellman 145). As a result, several controversies have erupted over whether possession of such devices, which have taken many lives, should be controlled. Notably, gun possession has been a political concept...

Words: 1482

Pages: 6

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