Essays on American Colonies

“Seven years of war” and 1763 treaty of Paris

The American Revolution was a political uprising between the colonies' demands for independence and their colonial master, Great Britain. It is frequently understated how important a part the French and Spanish played in the Revolution. The two forces joined the revolt as a result of Britain annexing their territories during...

Words: 652

Pages: 3

Essay on American colonization

The European colonization of America caused its people's lives, customs, and bloodlines to be eternally altered. During their exodus, the North American population was besieged by sickness and misery. In several cases, they fought with the European group that attempted to enslave them. The Tainos were the first indigenous community...

Words: 1687

Pages: 7

Colonial Ways of Life

The majority of Europeans, who were extremely poor, were able to sacrifice their entire life to escape to the American colonies, while others wanted religious freedom or political stability.The majority of those who arrived in Colonial America were young, with nearly half of them being under the age of twenty-five,...

Words: 3192

Pages: 12

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