Essays on Africa

Impact of European Imperialism on Africa and Asia

Imperialism refers to the action of a nation to extend its power and dominion by direct acquisition of occupied (inhabited) territory, or by gaining economic or political control of other areas through the use of power. Imperialism may also involve the exploitation of such territories in a way similar to...

Words: 418

Pages: 2

The Effects of Ethnicity in Kenya

Ethnicity can be defined as the aspect of favouring a certain group of people simply because they have a close relation to the leaders in power who belong to their social grouping. It can be said to be the excess reliance on one’s cultural origin which makes the person disregard...

Words: 3155

Pages: 12

The Forest Cover in Africa

Question 1 –                                                                                          (264 words) In your opinion, what are the most serious environmental issues today? Outline one global and one local issue and give two reasons for each choice.           (20marks) The most serious environmental issues are air pollution, global warming, littering, food waste, and soil contamination. The earth’s average temperature has...

Words: 1849

Pages: 7

The Role of Government in Improving Nigeria's Living Standards

In essence, 70 percent of the world's population is mostly living in underdeveloped or developing countries and consume just less than 20 percent of the global output due to lack of economic development and industrialization caused by low: capital investment, income, literacy levels, gross domestic product (GDP) and malnutrition and...

Words: 321

Pages: 2

The Origins of Colonialism in Kenya

Colonialism in Kenya resulted from the imperialism which can be known as the highest stage of capitalism. Colonialism, imperialism, and capitalism have the following definition in common: cultural and political domination as well as economic exploitation. At some extent, it became necessary for the three processes to exist as one....

Words: 1142

Pages: 5

Economic Prospects of Nigeria

International Monetary Fund (IMF) refers to an international organization of countries with its headquarters in Washington, D.C.  Its objectives are the promotion of financial stability global monetary cooperation, growth in employment international trade, economic growth as well as to reduce the poverty level around the globe.    ‘The International Monetary Fund...

Words: 565

Pages: 3

The Importance of French Beans in Kenya

French Beans in Kenya French beans provide a rich source of vitamins, fiber, proteins and minerals and is one of the major crops planted for export in Kenya. Kenya is a developing country in East Africa with an abundance of resources and vast plains (Mwangi, et al. 7). Economic Challenges and Exporting...

Words: 1056

Pages: 4

Kenya: A Travel Destination

Introduction Kenya, officially known as the Republic of Kenya, is an East African nation whose capital city is Nairobi. It has an area of 582,646 sq km (224,961 sq miles) which is almost the size of France (Our Africa n.p.). The national language of this East African nation is Swahili, while...

Words: 1998

Pages: 8

A Book Reflection of "A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier"

The book "A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldiers" by Ishmael Beah The book "A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldiers" by Ishmael Beah chronicles Beah's experiences before, during, and after his involvement in the civil conflict in Sierra Leone. The book is ideally a historical account...

Words: 1308

Pages: 5

Wife Inheritance in Luo Culture

The Luo tribe is primarily found in Kenya, while some have settled in adjacent countries such as Uganda, Tanzania, Sudan, Congo, and Ethiopia. einsteinerupload of (Philip et al. 242). They moved 500 years ago and are mostly found around Lake Victoria. The Luo community, like other indigenous communities, has distinct...

Words: 1795

Pages: 7


Kenya is a country made up of 42 different ethnic groups, as well as various migrant races, Asians, Arabs, and white people who have all coexisted peacefully since their arrival. Being a colony of Great Britain, the nation has benefited from and borrowed many of the British Commonwealth traditions' modes...

Words: 2571

Pages: 10

About Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela is beloved not only in South Africa, but around the world. Nelson Mandela changed the trajectory and history of the people and South Africa as a country by choosing to be a voice rather than an echo. However, this did not come cheap, and he was sentenced to...

Words: 718

Pages: 3

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