The Big Bang theory is a model that explains how the universe and the matter within it was formed from a cosmic singularity. This model posits that in over thirteen billion years since the formation of the universe, it has expanded from a tiny yet dense and hot primordial fireball to the large, cold, and diffuse universe that exists today (Brown 77). This theory was developed by Gamow and colleagues who concluded that the universe started from an extremely hot and dense state. This essay presents three evidence to support the Big Bang Theory which includes the red-shift of light, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the mixture of elements.
The red-shift of light is the first evidence that proves that the universe is expanding. Light moves from different galaxies to the earth, and that as it comes nearer to the earth, there is an increase in distance between the earth and the galaxy where light originates. In the process, the wavelength of light becomes longer. The scientist can relate this phenomenon to the Doppler effect of sound waves. For example, the pitch of siren increases as it gets closer and it decreases as the ambulance moves away. This change is because of the increase and decrease of sound waves depending on the movement of the siren relative to the individual hearing it. The visible red light is due to the longer wavelengths, and it is an indication that a star is moving. The red-light is proof that stars move away from each other and us.
The second evidence is the cosmic microwave background radiation. Various scientist in nineteen sixties experimented using a six-meter radio telescope. They found out a background radio emission that originated from the different direction in the sky during the day and night. The scientist could tell that the whole atmosphere measured a little more than the absolute zero (Galecki, et al. 221). The theory foretold that after a Big Bang, there would be an enormous emission of radiation. It came to pass that billions of years later the radiation is travelling very fast away from the earth, and the radiation’s wavelength has been moved from the visible light to the microwave background that can be witnessed at present.
Thirdly, the Mixture of Elements in the universe is another proof that supports the Big Bang theory. From the first evidence, the universe began from a dense hot primordial fireball. As the universe expanded and the cooling process took place, several elements were created depending on the rate of cooling down and can be seen today. This model predicted how much of each component would have been formed in the early universe. Therefore, the elements that can be seen and contained in distant galaxies like the sun were created in the first generation of stars. The composition of the stars with a range of different elements is a result of the Big Bang (Woolfson 107).
From the pieces of evidence that have been discussed, it can be concluded that the universe was created after the Big Bang. The universe started from a small cosmic singularity that expanded and cooled down over time. In supporting this theory, this essay presented the following pieces evidence: the red-shift of light, the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the mixture of elements. This model is the most convincing proof of how the universe came into being.
Works Cited
Brown, Cynthia S. Big History: From the Big Bang to the Present. 2012.
Galecki, Johnny, et al. The Big Bang Theory: The Complete First Season. 2013.
Woolfson, M M. Time, Space, Stars " Man: The Story of the Big Bang. Imperial College P, 2013.