Essay for Admission

MY past scholastic years, encounters, and professional experiences shaped my life

From my early years at Grier School through my internship at Balcells in Barcelona. I've met people from all backgrounds because I was born in Saudi Arabia, studied in Pennsylvania, assisted my mother's business in North America, and traveled to Pakistan and Spain to secure and help the handcraft industries in these countries. Each step has been critical in sustaining my desire for assisting others, particularly those who suffer as a result of ineffective political and institutional structures. All the factors have led me to pursue a path in law which is why I seek to transfer to your institution which I believe is better equipped than my community college to offer the desired learning outcomes that will help me pursue my goals and objectives in life.

My education at Grier School and my mission to help local artisans in Pakistan

My education at Grier School and consequently securing a chance to work with Alkanooz has played a great role in expanding my vision. It raised my concern that local artisans in Pakistan where I relocated to after graduation, were unable to continue with their businesses due to lack of resources which I felt a great need to try and help. My mission was then to take the opportunity that had presented itself through the luxury handicraft company I was working with as well as my mother who was willing to provide these essentials to the partisans. Alkanooz started thriving, and its expansion to the Middle East presented a good platform to reach out diverse people. The progressive nature gave me the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life and cultural backgrounds. I gained insights into the various forms of government and how such structures affect the citizens including the presentation or limitation of opportunities. These occasions inspired me to seek out the necessary knowledge to transform these entities especially in my country where people have to contend with challenging political institutions that have led to the substantial growth of the gap between the wealthy and the majority who are the low-income earners and the unemployed. I was inspired to make a change in the new community that I found in Spain, and this pushed to the idea of studying law to understand the structure of judiciary and how I can use these structures to improve the various organizational and political institutions that act as the basis of inequality in my country.

My aspirations to transfer and advance my skills

My aspirations to transfer are pushed by the great need to advance my skills and shape my profession. I am a hardworking person who is driven by the desire to change the lives of others for the better through the integration of innovative and current techniques and trends in areas that require change. Pursuing law was further enhanced by my family’s maternal side that migrated from Iraq to Pakistan during the first Iraq-Kurdish war. Their experiences and encounters as they moved from Iraq to Pakistan made me realize the plight that people have to contend with due to weak government structures and laws that discriminate against the rich and the have-nots. Most people lack the necessary skills and abilities to defend themselves against arbitrary government policies and requirements. The law program will offer unprecedented opportunities to advance the legal and political construct in such countries by challenging illogical policies that deprive the people their ability to thrive.

My motivation to transfer and support the work of others

My great motivation to transfer is the will to support the work of others by bringing my passion forward and use all my power, time, legal skills, social networks, and personal background experience to support and take part in the success of what others are doing. Your institution has people from different cultures, skills, and experiences along with numerous resources that will be critical in shaping my legal knowledge as well as appropriate relations with diverse populations. The short-term objective is to complete my law program from an institution that is well-positioned and resourced in the legal field. The objective will help me gain the required accreditation and opportunity to serve people desiring legal assistance with limited capabilities due to financial constraints. The multi-ethnic population in your institution is widely opposed to the dominance in cultural traits found in a community college setting which will not only give me the legal knowledge required but also offer an environment whose rigor allows students to set the bar higher. The environmental dynamic will create a healthy competitive culture that serves in nourishing my skills in both the legal and the personal development contexts. Such initiatives will foster my transition into the highly competitive legal field and help me achieve my long-term goals more efficiently.

The environment will expand my career and address specific legal issues

The environment will expand my career by engaging other students in skill-based practices, and this can only be achieved through student-based tasks that will enhance the building of the community ties, the spirit of teamwork, and job awareness that will enable students to reach their goals. Since the community college offers a limited range of various disciplines, I would like to expand my educational career by attending an institution that offers a course that fits my academic, social and intellectual needs. My past experiences while working at Alkanooz have raised concerns and specific legal issues that I would like to address through my career as a lawyer. I would like to achieve a professional career that will help me in changing the government policies that I find unhealthy and oppresses the human rights due to lack of law and order in different public institutions. As a lawyer, I would be an integral member of the community with the desired knowledge to influence different public policies that promote equality and individual development that translates to improved ways of life due to enlarged and preserved freedom.

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