Employees taking responsibility

The Container Store's HRM and Increased Revenues

The Container Store's HR managers have a variety of tools at their disposal to assess how well the company's HRM contributes to increased revenues.

First, the HR manager can assess the current or dominant circumstances, such as the labor pool at the Container Stores. In this instance, the HR manager will assess the advantages and disadvantages of Container Stores. The Container Store must conduct a thorough audit of each employee's human resources credentials, training, experience, and pay during the appraisal process. If the analysis of the aforementioned statistics does actually indicate that they are consistent with the company's objective, then the organization has an efficient HRM to realize greater revenues.

Secondly, forecasting the demands of the company can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the HRM deployed at Container Store. In this case, the demands should be based on the strategic goals of Container stores. In this regard, HR managers at Container store can analyze the company's market trends, the technological improvements and any other measures maintained to lead to the achievement of Container Store's goals. Forecasting can also be used in determining the future staffing level of Container Store since staffing dictates an organization's performance at some point. Striking a balance between projected labor demand and supply can also be used to analyze the effectiveness of Container Store's HRM towards increasing profits. Likewise, determining the effectiveness of the current HRM towards Container Store's goals can be used to dictate the company's efforts towards making more profits.

The above-identified ideas will not compromise the Container Stores' employee-first policy since they are employee-oriented similarly to what the policy requires.

Case 2. HR in Small Business: Learning to Show Appreciation at Datotel

Question 2

Datotel can use several measures to determine the success of its employee retention effort.

Firstly, Datotel can use their motivation programs to evaluate the success of its employee retention efforts. In this case, if the programs are employee-oriented/centered then employee retention efforts are likely to be fruitful.

Another measure that can be used is to evaluate the employee turnover based on the initial number that was hired and compared it to the number of the employees at the end of the particular period. If several employees are found to have left the firm, the employee retention efforts have been unsuccessful and vice versa.

The turnout of potentials during the hiring/recruiting of new hires process can also be used to evaluate Datotel's retention efforts.

Work relationships can also be used to evaluate employee retention efforts. When there exists a positive relationship between the employees, then that would be enough evidence that employee retention efforts have been successful.

Also, the organization environment in terms of managing people can be used as measures for employee retention efforts. In this case, an appreciating, friendly and cooperative environment dictates the retention efforts.

Transparency of operations and fair reviews can also be used to evaluate the success of employee retention efforts at Datotel.

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