Communication Trends in the Workplace

Communication Trends in the Workplace

Communication is an important element in the success of any business because it connects the employer, employees, and customers into one entity. Human resources managers are careful to formulate internal and external communication mechanisms which benefit the organization by looking at the current and future trends. In recent years, technological advancement is considered to be the key factor in shaping new communication skills at the workplace. The important communication trends include Transparency and Authenticity, Efforts Integration, Infographics and Images, and the Social Intranet Community (TEIC).

Transparency and Authenticity

Transparency in communication is an important element because the business community values the authenticity of the company, products or employees. People are attracted to environments which provide them with a clear picture of what their objectives are in an organization or settings which give comprehensible values of their employers. An organization which is genuine to its employees and clients gains the trust and loyalty of these two significant players in the industry (Boekhorst, 2015). A manager should engage his or her employees in transparent and honest communications about the metrics of the company; workers who feel appreciated by their bosses are very active and productive. The organization can also use genuine employee and client story-telling techniques to market their products and services. A transparent and authentic communication system increases the loyalty and commitments of customers and employees.

Efforts Integration

The efforts of all the employees integrated into one system improve the human resource skills in the company. The modern workplace comprises of old people and the millennials; these two generations have distinctive work characteristics and demands (Colbert, Yee, & George, 2016). Whereas the old generation has experience, the millennials are equally important because they bring mobility and technological advancement to the organization. Therefore, it is crucial that a company incorporates the efforts of all the employees when formulating an efficient communication system (Colbert et al., 2016). For example, the human resource manager should develop an internal interactive mechanism using modern technology and conventional business principles. Integrating the efforts of every employee will create a good working environment.

Infographics and Images

Infographics and images are significant elements of a successful advertisement because the human brain has a high response rate to visual information than bare words. Employees undergo constant training to enhance their skills. The use of infographics and images assists companies to record high levels of success in their workshops and seminars (Colbert et al., 2016). Businesses can as well use this technological mechanism to develop quality visual images for advertisements which attract more clients to buy their goods and services. Info-graphics enhances good communication between organizations, their customers and employees.

The Social Intranet Community

The social intranet technology led to the development of a convenient business community. The input of every employee in the affairs of the organization is crucial because it enables the management to generate a pool of ideas from many people (Boekhorst, 2015). Businesses are using social intranet software to create internal communications platforms. These social websites are expedient and comfortable for all the employees of a company to use. The interactive platforms are cheap because they have a good mobility system because the management can communicate with the employees using the applications. The social intranet software creates a strong work community.

Modernizing Communication Systems

Communication at the workplace is a changing phenomenon because of technology. Companies should, therefore, modernize their communication systems to be competitive and successful in the industry. Communication should be transparent to increase commitment, integrate the efforts of all key participants, use info-graphics to attract, and incorporate the use of social intranet to create a strong work community.


Boekhorst, J. A. (2015). The role of authentic leadership in fostering workplace inclusion: A

 social information processing perspective. Human Resource Management, 54(2), 241-


Colbert, A., Yee, N., & George, G. (2016). The digital workforce and the workplace of the

 future. Academy of Management Journal, 59(3), 731-739.

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