Clinical significance

Clinical Relevance

Clinical relevance is described as the researcher's or treatment experiment's ability to aid patients or customers, or ensures that they can return to their normal condition and functioning of the body system after being in a dysfunctional state (Polit and Beck, 2012). It is also referred to as the distinction between ancient and modern therapies that are beneficial in the treatment of patients suffering from specific dysfunctions. The phrase is as well known as the practical significance of an experiment that is beneficial to patients. For example, a change of prescribed behaviour or treatment to patients as a result of research finding that leads to the reduction of heart rate or pain can be described as clinical significance. Clinical significance is ascertained from a risk measure report (Polit & Beck, 2012).

Difference between Clinical Significance and Statistical Significance

There is a notable difference between clinical significance and statistical significance. Clinical significance is associated with finding out as to whether an effect which has been observed is important during the treatment of a disease, diagnosis determination or other descriptive or comparative statistics. It is also concerned as to whether the observed difference affects the diagnosis or treatment of the patients. On the other hand, statistical significance deals with exploring as to whether the differences between the sampled groups from the population are as a result of genuine differences or chances. While statistical significance is noticed along with a continuum, a p-value which is less or equal to 0.05 is considered as significant evidence against a null hypothesis of no difference which suggests that there is an existence of actual quantitative difference (Polit & Beck, 2012). In other words, statistical significance is considered to answer a question which is related to a play of chance in research.

Use of Clinical Significance in Project

For positive outcome in my project, I could use clinical significance to determine the best ways of treating a patient. Clinical significance will be useful in answering questions such as do the patient intervention improve their condition? Or does interventions cause harm or worsen the condition of the patients? This information will be effective during the process of decision making on the best treatment to use on patients.


Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2012). Nursing research: generating evidence for nursing practice (9th Ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Klower/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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