Children’s Movement Research

In essence, children's movement in various activities varies according to their age and skills. The plane of development and level of growth of a particular child has an impact on such abilities. I chose three children from different age groups to watch during a running activity to better understand these ideas. The children were three, six, and ten years old, and they all performed the same task in my study. As a result, during the activity, I made observations about their movement skills and patterns. To help me determine the three children's specific movement skills later, I videotaped the children to improve my effectiveness. This paper will outline my observations on the three children regarding flight between their legs, knee flexing, and leg swinging. Additionally, the essay will explain the arm movement as observed during the running activity.

Description of the Movement

Any form of movement requires the interaction of many systems and constraints such as motivation and perceived benefits. Running skills at the age of 3 years begins with a short stride, usually of shoulder width. Moreover, there is minimal flight between the legs, and the rear leg does not fully extend. The movement skills are not well developed as the running patterns are almost similar to walking.For the 6 years child, the stride length has significantly increased with greater force. Additionally, the rear leg is fully extended as it swings with greater acceleration. Although the running skills are well developed at the age of 6, there is lateral leg movements. Movement patterns are enhanced, and the kid can run fast and consistently.For the 10 year old child, running speed and flight increases due to increased body size (McKenzie, Sallis, Broyles, Zive, Nader, Berry, & Brennan, 2002). In addition, there is improved coordination, and the kid has eliminated lateral leg movements. Foot contact with the ground is heel-toe enabling the child to move along a midsaggital line.Arms movement during running varies between the three children significantly; the position of the arm is determined by the need for balance. A child who is three years old, arms are carried waist high during movement, which is considered a guard position. Such a position helps them during running to ensure that they do not fall during running.When observing the six-year-old runner, it is evident that the arms are lowered and hang free since they are no longer used for balance. According to the fundamental movement skills, such an aspect that is enhanced by the child development. It is of the essence to recognize that the lowered arms do not help with running speed. Instead, they swing across the midline of the body, which works in opposition to the legs.The arm action in a ten-year-old is in opposition to the leg movement, thereby enhancing the speed of running.Effective knee flexing is essential as it determines the stride length of the desired pace and promotes improved running form. During my observation, it was evident that there is considerable knee flexion for a three-year-old as the movement of legs becomes anterior-posterior. As a result, the kid does not have adequate strength to propel the body forward.However, at six years old, the swing-leg flexion is mostly at 90 degrees. This, in turn, ensures that there is enough lower limb strength to handle the force of the foot striking the ground. Also, it improves motor coordination, a concept that plays a significant role in controlling the moving legs.For the child who is ten years, knee flexing is used to maintain momentum during support phase (McKenzie, Sallis, Broyles, Zive, Nader, Berry, & Brennan, 2002). Also, the swing leg is evidently contacting the buttocks during recovery, and the runner can keep forward motion.In essence, fundamental locomotors skills are crucial since they serve to build more specific skills that are developed later in life. In the same way, being proficient in these skills enables a child to participate in recreational activities outdoor education confidently.In my observation, for the three-year-old child, the movement is early as it was still at the primary level of development. At this age, the kid is learning many new things, and a lot of changes are taking place. Therefore, running as an activity is still a new experience, with no established significance for the child.When the child is six years, the child is grown with increased body size; as such, the movement is proficient as it is part of the routine activity for the person. Although the skills are not refined, the child understands the importance of the activity and might take an interest.At the age of ten, the proficiency is improved; if the child enjoys the activity, then they can fully develop the skills.


From the observation study, it is evident that there are different developmental stages regarding acquiring fundamental skills. After conducting the activity, I am now in a better position as far as understanding phases of development. In addition, the knowledge gained from this study is crucial even in helping children in their various levels of growth. Given the presence of many dynamics in child development, it is important to acquire such insights to apply it accordingly. Moreover, it will be easy to help a child in refining their talents at an early age, which serve as a strong foundation for their future careers in sports and other games. However, it is important to realize that the age alone does not influence the rate of development. Other factors such as health should also be considered when seeking to understand a child's growth and development.


McKenzie, T. L., Sallis, J. F., Broyles, S. L., Zive, M. M., Nader, P. R., Berry, C. C., & Brennan, J. J. (2002). Childhood movement skills: predictors of physical activity in Anglo American and Mexican American adolescents?. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 73(3), 238-244.

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