Can Qualitative and Quantitative Data be Used Together in Research Findings?

To address multiple difficulties, qualitative and quantitative data might be blended within a single inquiry. With convergent techniques, for example, both types of data are collected with the ultimate goal of verifying the findings. It requires simultaneously documenting both qualitative and quantitative features, a side-by-side criterion that allows qualitative data sets to be turned into quantitative scores in order to establish a solid conclusion on the study problem (Wisdom & Creswell, 2013).

Similarly, both kinds of data can be gathered using an explanatory sequential strategy in which qualitative discoveries are utilized to investigate quantitative scores. The strategy comprises a two-stage process, where phase 1 majors on exploring quantitative variables, upon which quantitative mechanisms explain the inferential figures. Similarly, quantitative data can be used to augment qualitative outcomes.

Would you Need a Statistician to Compile the Information into a Research Terminology

While mixing the methods allows the generation of a complete picture than when either qualitative or quantitative data is used, the integration process is a challenging research aspect. Nevertheless, the complexity can be addressed by consulting a statistician, who not only help in developing possible synergies but also ensuring combining that data promote an intuitive appeal.

Is it Possible to turn any of the Data into Tables and Charts?

All data can be graphed as well as organized into tables, with the process being critical in providing a synthetic description of the research subject. The presentation also gives the data visual appeal, where the results are not only attractive to users, but also understandable (Duquia, Bastos, Bonamigo, González-Chica, & Martínez-Mesa, 2014). The visualization process also helps in model building, where tables and graphs assist in predicting linear relationships, non-linear associations, as well as identifying outliers.


Duquia, R., Bastos, J., Bonamigo, R., González-Chica, D., & Martínez-Mesa, J. (2014). Presenting data in tables and charts. Anais Brasileiros De Dermatologia, 89(2), 280-285.

Wisdom, J., & Creswell, J. W. (2013). Mixed methods: integrating quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis while studying patient-centered medical home models. Rockville: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

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