Autism and Behavior Therapy

Autism: Understanding the Neurological Disorder

Autism is a neurological disorder that prevents people from recognizing what they are doing or hearing or doing. This results in extreme social relationship, communication, and behavior issues ("Teaching Autism Students. A Schools Resource Guide" 3). This condition has a powerful effect on both the previous development of a child and on his or her future life. No medical examinations are available that could diagnose autism. This condition can only be detected by examining one's conduct and his or her contact with others. However, the intrinsic fragility of feelings plays a very important role in the development of autism. In such cases, when exposing to any adverse factors, such children close themselves from the outside world. This paper aims at reviewing options of behavior when interacting with a "special" child.

The Manifestation of Problematic Behavior

Meeting such children is infrequent. However, an aggressive habit is not an indicator of autism. The problematic behavior is most often manifested when an autistic one is unhappy or unwell. Problems that are noticeable to all other people, such as mental disorders or sensory reactions, can cause pain and discomfort a child with autism, which people do not know about, especially if a child himself or herself cannot tell about his or her condition. Physical aggression is one of the types of behavior that can be expressed in a case, when such a child wants to draw attention or he or she imagined himself or herself anywhere else.

Dealing with Physical Aggression

When physical aggression occurs, first of all, one should not act the same. This is the smartest reaction on those actions. Autistic children do not really understand that they harm or attack anyone. For this reason, the first thing to do is not to pay attention. Naturally, a child will not understand such reaction, and it will lead him or her into a stupor and he or she, verily, will stop such aggressive actions. After that, a child should realize that he or she is doing something wrong. Naturally, this should not happen in a rude way. One ought to be calm. First of all, one should find an eye contact and explain why that child should not do that. If he or she keeps on acting bad, then it is necessary to shout at him or her, but not very loud and only once. Whatever one may say, even children with autism perceive what older people say. When a child becomes calm, one should not forget to praise him or her.

Responding to Inappropriate Behavior

When not responding, it is necessary to make a child understand that he or she behaves incorrectly. Since the perception of such children is special, it is necessary to show one's discontent on the face, but not to threaten. A child will notice one's mood change. After he or she is calm, one should demonstrate his or her being contented: it is necessary for him to smile, shake hands or pat on the shoulder. The third situation is tantrum. It is harder to stop. A child must be rebuffed, but not in a rude form. He or she can only be calmed down squatting to be on one level of the eye, holding hands and saying that kicking or pushing is painful and unpleasant. After a child realizes everything, he or she should be praised with hands shaking or a hug. Kids always remember such gestures and appreciate them.

Works Cited

Ministry of Education "Teaching Students with Autism. A Resource Guide for Schools". British Columbia, 2000., Accessed 1 June, 2017.

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