Alienated Workforce

The Aim of Sociological Theories

The aim of sociological theories was initially to explain what we know about the modern world. Following the transformation from traditional cultures to new societies began with this approach. The fathers of sociological doctrines are the people who produced these theories. According to research, many people will understand how the planet developed and continue to learn about its subsequent growths due to this work (Kamenka 1969, p.15). The founders are therefore kept accountable for the theory's evolution, implications, and potential future outcomes. Despite having this change at hand, its understanding is fundamental, but before it can be understood, the occurrences and the characteristics that define the traditional and the modern society must be well captured. Relating to the colonial context, we can vividly explain the transition to modernity as the development of the nation. Researched pieces of literature indicate that modernity is described as the rise and growth of a nation state and also the independence of thoughts of an individual (Kamenka 2015, p. 10).

The Founders of Classical Sociological Theory

The above transitional information has been provided by the founders of the classical sociological theory. The principles are explained by the works of Max Weber, Karl Max, and Emile Durkheim. In this essay, a critical analysis of Marx, K. (1844) ‘Alienated Labour’ [taken from Economico-Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844], in Kamenka, E. (ed.) (1983) The Portable Karl Marx, New York: Penguin, pp. 131-45 will be done analysing the major concept in the book and also reviewing its content.

The Explanation of Sociological Theory by Karl Marx

Initially in the fundamental idea contained in the original classical sociological theory was explained according to the interpretation of various founders (Ariely, Kamenica, and Prelec 2008, p.675). Karl Marx acquired his information from the ancient history and the historical materialism and also obtains a lot of other information from the ‘laws of history.' Modern researchers indicate that Marx defined the difference between the ancient or pre modern and the modern societies. He used most of his historical sources that contributed definitely to the effectiveness of his concepts. According to some other pieces of literature, Marx philosophy is borrowed from Hegel's ‘Ideal Conception of history’ that was established on the background that society is determined at any given point by its material possession. Therefore, Marx’s theoretical mechanism reveals, that there cannot exist any other culture without considering it material condition (Clair 2008, p. 25). Marx in its initial sociological theory continues to analyze the relationship of land and human. He discusses the class struggle and the rise of capitalism.

The Explanation of Sociological Theory by Max Weber

Max Weber is also a common name in the field of classical sociological theory. Weber, being among the first writers on this sociological doctrine, talks about the Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism (Kamenka 1962, p. 23). His work has been considered a critique of the Marx’s product by many of the recent analyst. In his writing, the main point of his argument is that capitalism does not only require material possession, but it also needs the mind that can formulate ideas and ensure the transition from feudalism to capitalism is effective. Weber proves to have an entirely different understanding of the development; he talks of transition to modern society are based on a close understanding of bureaucracy, culture, and rationality; while the connection between society and the economies are based on direct relationship. As opposed to Marx, Weber digs deep into more complicated relationships where he involves other social factors that also contribute to its relationship (Kamenka and Tay 1971, p. 110). Therefore, he tries to find out why and how did capitalism came to dominate in the economic system while its values are relatively small and opposite the Catholic values that were dominant during the pre-capitalist Europe.

The Explanation of Sociological Theory by Emile Durkheim

Lastly, in the fundamental idea contained in the original piece of the classical sociological theory were the thoughts of Emile Durkheim. The author, on the other hand, argued that for the transition from primitive to modern societies to occur, individuals have to consider progressing gradually and that it requires both interventions into the primitive societies and the natural changes. Many of the historical writers indicate that Durkheim borrowed much of his work from ‘The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (1995)’ (Diggins 1974, p. 35). What heats the Durkheim topic of discussion is the question of what unites the societies? He needed to understand the main contributions of religion to the society, the roles it plays and how people also live. He, therefore, concluded in some of his studies that religion has powers to regulate how people live and it also molds the society. According to some research conducted in 2014, it was found that Durkheim also presented his theory of the evolution of the society in a renounced theory of division of labor, and according to him, societies are built from the primitive communities to advanced ones. In which the modern societies generate solidarity that results in an appreciated difference while the primitive one has a universal solidarity that cannot be tolerated. These ideas are contained in the original classical ecological theory, what had been said earlier.

The Explanation of Marx's "Alienated Labour"

The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 talk, majorly, on the human labor relation (Vautier 1998, p. 187). In every society, there is a form of ownership, and according to Karl Marx, there are property owners and assets fewer workers. From his writings, workers do not only suffer during the exhibition of duties, but they also suffer from alienations from the world. Therefore, the worker does not gain access to the product of his job and also becomes more hostile to them. Research indicates that the worker has all his energy and efforts placed on the work and its product but because he/she does not own any of the factors of production, he/she becomes more estranged with the number of goods he produces. It becomes so unfortunate that everything he makes contributes to the world outside him in which he does not belong (Diggins 1974, p. 50). Therefore, this forms the first type of alienation, estranging the worker from the product of his work. Referring to my school of thought, alienation is estranging the worker from the activity of production. The work that the person performs belongs to someone else, and this is the employee’s means of survival. This brings out the clear meaning of the loss of self. The third is the alienation from the species being. According to human beings, work amounts to a larger proportion of our survival, and a person is who or what he does. The extreme alienation is the estrangement of man to man. Being that the employee works for someone else, they regard the person as a capitalist hostile and alien. The manuscript by Karl Marx thus explains much about the alienated labor from the first manuscript to the fourth (Kamenka and Tay 1971, p. 38).

Differences between Marx's Theory and Other Sociological Theories

Karl Marx differs in various ways with the other classical sociological theories (Clair 2008, p. 18). Marx’s solely thinks that the transition from to modern society is as a result of direct purpose and intent. Other theories, for example, Weber’s hypothesis believes that inclusion of other social factors equally contributes to the transition and that the social factors are the once responsible for the establishment of the purposes worth implementing. Research also indicates that the theory of Marx portrays alienation, but this is a contradiction to Durkheim theory that is built on another base. The author generates organic solidarity and argues that the growth in population and its density developed in Europe. Therefore, the hypothesis of Alienation of labor and other theories differ in both the interpretation and their contents. However, in all the doctrines we can identify and isolate the scenarios where individuals or groups resist to an existing phenomenon and that there is always an isolation and confusion in almost all the theories (Kamenka 1962, p. 30). In other cases, we see that Weber’s theories express capitalism in a different way. It does not only talk of the acquisition of wealth but primarily on the implementations on how to create the money (Clair 2008, p. 20). Thus, it brings out the fact that a person has to make money first as a starting fundamental concept. This is contrary to the Marx theory that only believes in obtaining the wealth through other various methods, but that does not include you making it. Marx views the spirit of capitalism as greed and forcefully acquisition of property while other theories such as Weber’s believes in the accumulation of wealth and creation of self-foundation (Ariely, Kamenica, and Prelec, 2008, p. 676).

Controversies and Criticisms of Marx's Theory of Alienation

The theory of alienation is one of the sociological theories that have brought a lot of mixed reactions among the readers and the researchers. Various pieces of literature regard Marx theory as a dehumanizer in the society (Kamenka 2015, p. 25). This is evident when the author narrows down the alienation to the division of labor and private property ownership. It is told that Marx borrows his ideas from Hegel and Feurerback, but still, he contradicts them. According to Marx view of alienation of labor, it can be used to bring out the real sense of how foreign workers feel on the product that has resulted as a result of their hard work. The theory thus holds strength at this point. It creates awareness of the general feelings of the works, and from this, the employers can be able to differentiate the potential of workers. The theory gives an account of how human life is diminished but it does make it vivid that it is not natural thus cannot be beyond the common phenomenon, and this is what makes Marx’s theory very powerful and influential. However, many researchers have indicated a sign of dissatisfaction in this hypothesis since it does not appreciate the efforts of the workers despite having the four various sections. In conclusion, the alienated labor by Marx was a piece of writing that was intentioned to create awareness of the individuals that are alienated from work due to capitalism. In comparison with other theories, we realize that Marx’s hypothesis is more capital-based which is contrary to other sociological beliefs (Kamenka 1969, p. 27). The initial ideas from the original document are indicated to be those of Durkheim’s, Marx’s, and Weber's. However, Marx’s theory has also brought a lot of mixed reactions among the elites.


Ariely, D., Kamenica, E. and Prelec, D. (2008). Man’s search for meaning: The case of Legos. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 67(3), pp.671-677.

Clair, R.P. (2008). Why Work?: The Perceptions of a” real Job” and the Rhetoric of Work Through the Ages. Purdue University Press.

Diggins, J.P. (1974). Getting Hegel out of History: Max Eastman’s Quarrel with Marxism. The American Historical Review, 79(1), pp.38-71.

Kamenka, E. and Tay, A.E.S. (1971). Beyond the French Revolution: Communist Socialism and the Concept of Law. The University of Toronto Law Journal, 21(2), pp.109-140.

Kamenka, E. (1962). The Ethical Foundations of Marxism.

Kamenka, E. (1969). Ethics and Alienation. In Marxism and Ethics (pp. 15-30). Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Kamenka, E. (2015). The Ethical Foundations of Marxism (RLE Marxism) (Vol. 3). Routledge.

Vautier, B. (1998). From Whispers to… Organizing Silence: A World of Possibilities, p.187.

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