The Weight Loss Plan Advertisement
The advert selected is about a weight loss plan that has been recommended by Dr. Oz and tested by Oprah, one of the celebrated celebrities in the United States. The adverts has various contents including the image of a woman which covers almost half of the content space, texts written in bold as well as varied fonts and colors. The main message that the advert conveys to the audience is the need to consider the plan. This is evident from the first text which is written in larger font stating, “Lose Weight.” The phrase has also been written in red which is a brighter color that can easily attract the attention of the audience. From the advert, it is evident that the audience is individuals who are overweight or obese who need to shed off some weight. The message in the advert states that the audience should adopt the low calorie diet in order to reduce weight without any struggles. By adopting the program, the image shows that one would be lose few inches and become slim.
The Key Strategy: Visual Image
The key strategy adopted by the advert is a visual image. The image in the advert is aimed at capturing the attention of the target audience and enhancing their memorability through interesting narratives. By observing the advert, one is able to notice the image of the female and give attention to it. According to Kauppinen‒Räisänen, image is important in convincing an audience of the claim of the piece presented as well as identify the subject of the message. This means that the picture available to the audience support the claims made by the advert as visual cues. A visual advert is also expected to demonstrate the effectiveness or use of the product to enhance the credibility of the message. Another reason for using visual image is to highlight the key attributes and benefits of a product; in the advert, the image illustrates how the lady has cut a lot of weight which is evident from the oversize trouser.
The Key Elements of Visual Strategy
The key elements of a visual strategy include: the size, color, and medium. In regards to size, a bigger picture is more likely to attract the attention of the audience in the advertisement environment. The image size may cause consumers to infer a greater importance of the brand. In the advert, the photograph covers more than a quarter of the space, thus, giving it a lot of importance. An attractive color may also determine the attention-attracting capabilities i.e. colored pictures in an advert is found to be interesting compared to a black-and-white. The color of the image in the advert is bright; the woman depicted has a natural Caucasian color with a red and blue wear. In regards to medium, the ideal illustration technique that the advert considered was photography which provides a more natural impression.
Key Rhetorical Strategy: Overstated Testimonials
A key rhetorical strategy that the advert applies is overstated testimonials. This executional style involves a person having experience with a product providing his/her personal report on the brand. According to Kauppinen‒Räisänen, this strategy is effective in cases where the person promoting the product is credible and that the audience is able to relate to the conveyed message. There may involve a use of celebrities or typical-individuals that are deemed credible because of their experience with the product. In the advert, the person in the image seems to be a model and with the oversized trouser, she seems to have cut a lot of weight. As the audience is able to see the perceived results, the advert appeals to their emotions, thus, luring them to consume the service advertised.
The Role of Celebrities and Public Figures
Celebrities are always used because of their likeability and popularity among the target audience, and as such they can easily influence the consumers. The advert has mentioned public figures that can easily influence the audience. In the subtitle, the phrase “Oprah’s Dr. Oz!” highlights Oprah Winfrey who is a celebrity and Dr. Oz who is an internationally recognized doctor. Knowing that they approve of this program, it becomes obvious to the audience that the program is genuine. Furthermore, the advert mentions Dr. Kelly to be the key endorser of the product which further enhances the credibility.
Text and Visual Integration
The visual part of the advert has a great correlation with the text. The advert explains in the text that after 18 years of implementation, the diet program has finally been approved by Dr. Kelly. In addition, the text shows that the Oprah has used this program and the success is obvious since Oprah has maintained her weight over the years. In relation to this, this image shows the effect of the program as the lady is putting on an oversize trouser to show that she has lost a lot of weight. Thus, they support each other in convincing the audience on the effectiveness of the program.
Effectiveness of the Advertisement
Generally, the advert is very effective in influencing the audience. First, the fonts used enhance visibility as the texts can be seen from a distance. This is also accompanied by the color of the fonts; the phrases “Lose Weight” as well as “medically supervised weight loss” have been written in red colors to attract the attention of the audience. The image used is also colored and adopts testimonial strategy to inform the audience of the effectiveness of the product.
Works Cited
Kauppinen‐Räisänen, Hannele. "Strategic use of colour in brand packaging." Packaging Technology and Science 27.8 (2014): 663-676. Weight loss advert. Retrieved from""docid=LPckyrjMJMyVPM"tbnid=QOoLX4lGJ8bkNM%3A"vet=10ahUKEwj2pqPun_rZAhUH7xQKHSa5B1EQMwh-KDcwNw..i"w=391"h=600"client=firefox-b-ab"bih=654"biw=1366"q=slimming%20pills%20picture%20advert%20magazine"ved=0ahUKEwj2pqPun_rZAhUH7xQKHSa5B1EQMwh-KDcwNw"iact=mrc"uact=8