Advantages of Being a Polyglot

Communication and Globalization

Communication is an indispensable tool in today's global society. In the era of globalization, the need to engage a communication framework that is both sensitive and comprehensible cannot be overstated. Being a polyglot may significantly aid an individual in the current society. The term refers to the ability to utilize different languages in conveying an intended message. There are several benefits to be derived from being a polyglot.

Increased Marketability in the Job Market

Primarily, being a polyglot augments an individual's marketability in the job sectors. Given the need to promote diversity and tolerance, companies are increasingly committing to the recruitment of individuals who can seamlessly converse in different languages (Merritt 2013). Such an approach to recruitment facilitates the timely and efficient address of patient issues. By conversing in a language that is comprehensible to the various stakeholders, an individual will be able to encourage the realization of efficient interventions.

Enhancement of Cognitive Skills

Alternatively, being a polyglot enhances an individual's cognitive skills. Factors such as memory and speed in thinking are often augmented through multilingualism (Merritt 2013). As an individual embraces a new language, they reinforce their ability to retain information. Such information can then be used in addressing some of the challenges that affect one's life. Lastly, being a polyglot has the potential to enhance and facilitate the realization of positive relations. By speaking different languages, an individual will be able to establish meaningful and fruitful relations which can then be used to foster positive engagement.


Conclusively, being a polyglot has several benefits. Some of the primary advantages to be derived from such a skill include increased marketability in the job market, augmentation of cognitive skills, ability to address issues in an efficient manner, and the realization of a positive social circle. By being a polyglot, one opens themselves up to a myriad of opportunities that can be leveraged to augment the subject's potential.


Merritt, A. (2013). Why Learn a Foreign Language? Benefits of bilingualism. [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed October 12, 2018].

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