About Nonverbal Cues

Nodding is a nonverbal cue that signifies  concentration on what the speaker is saying

It communicates interest in the message being passed across by the speaker.


Bat man bends and hides behind a closed door

The bending and hiding poster is nonverbal cue as he doesn’t want to be identified by the joker and his team at that point

This communicates that he is keen on maintaining his cover and he would not want people to know who relay truly is.


One of the joker’s team members Pointing gun towards the crowd

This is gesture is a nonverbal cue as he signals to the crowd to move back

It communicates that the team wants the crown to move back and gathered at one point where they (joker’s team) can see them all. It communicates that they are in charge and are ready to shoot anyone who doesn’t follow their instructions


Joker pointing gun towards the crowd

It communicates that he is a no nonsense person

The act is intended to intimidate the crowd into giving up the whereabouts of Harvey dent


Joker taking glass from a lady, spilling the contents and drinking the remainder

This is a nonverbal cue to the crowd that he doesn’t care about their party, all we he wants is Harvey dent

Communicates that he is in charge and I control and that he can do anything he wants at that point.


Harvey dent hitting the villain who was standing guard

This is a nonverbal cue  a it expresses the displeasure of Harvey towards what the villains are doing

This violence communicates that Harvey is willing to fight for what he believes and protect the people. It also shows that he still wants to have his identity concealed as he did not hit the villain in the presence of many people.


Dismantling the gun after hitting the villain

This is a nonverbal cue that portrays that he can handle arms and weapons quite well.

It communicates that he is very confident of himself since he dismantles the gun and walks away without even looking back to see if the villain could get up and attack him again.


Man and woman Dressing up hurriedly

This is nonverbal cue of feeling of guilt after the two were found in a compromising situation

The hurry in dressing up communicates that the two were doing something wrong at the wrong place since they were found in a romantic and compromising position by Harvey dent as he was going to the secret room.


Rachael folding her hand

This is a cue that communicates Rachael’s attitude towards the joker and his team.

Folding her arm and waiting for the joker to approach her shows that she is not intimidated by the threat of the knife on the joker’s hand.


Eye contact

Eye contact has always been a very strong nonverbal cue

This pose and the eye contact with the joker even as he approaches portrays Rachael as a confident woman


Rachel hits the joker

Aggression communicates her displeasure towards the jokers sentiments

This portrays Rachel a a fearless woman who can fight any adversities in her way

3:02- 3:30

Batman hits the joker and fights his team

Aggression shows that he is willing to fight for what he believes in and to protect the people.

This shows that batman is not afraid of facing any danger since he takes on the joker and his team despite the fact that they are armed with guns

Works Cited

Nolan, Chritopher, and Jonathan Nolan. "Very Poor Choice Of Words." YouTube, 18 Sept. 2009, www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzuEJpWHKz4.  Accessed 27 May 2018

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