About Childhood Obesity

Deborah Edward interviews experts from a variety of fields for her piece, including history, anthropology, education, and cultural resource management (Edwards-Anderson, 2016). The article's multidisciplinary applications paint a detailed picture of the Dakota community and the war between the US and the Dakotas. The Dakota people historically focused mostly on farming, and over time, they assimilated much of American culture. The study of history also examines the instances of racial prejudice that the Dakota people faced once they arrived in the United States. The discipline of education highlights on some of the activities that the Dakota people engaged into on their arrival to the U.S. it also highlights on the Dakota’s move to learn the English language. Anthropology as a discipline focuses on the Dakota community culture and their quest for embracing the American culture upon their arrival in the U.S. the discipline of anthropology goes hand in hand with the discipline of cultural resource management in focusing on the Dakota community’s cultural background and their quest for survival in the American societies. The interdisciplinary inclusion in the article also makes it easier to have an understanding on the U.S.-Dakota war that lasted for six weeks. The war resulted to the death of six hundred whites and hundred Dakota warriors.

The use of interdisciplinary approach in the research paper

In the research paper, child obesity, I used an interdisciplinary approach to provide an overview of obesity in the U.S. as well as its effects on the population. Through interdisciplinary approach, it is easier to come up with a literature review on the childhood obesity in terms of causes of childhood obesity, the effects of childhood obesity and the modes of treatment of the disease. The use of the health science as a discipline, for instance, makes it easier to deduce that childhood obesity increases the chances of developing multiple acute and chronic medical problems which most of the time persist into adulthood and affect the quality of life. According to the health sciences an estimated 9 million children who are overweight and 4.5 million who are obese have a high risk of having type 2 diabetes mellitus, heart disease, asthma, cancer, elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol, chronic illnesses, stroke, and other pulmonary diseases. English, as a discipline helps in the flow of the research paper. The discipline provides a platform to the research paper where paragraphs can easily be connected thus improving the flow of the essay.

Another discipline that I used in the research paper is research science. The field is responsible for data collection. Knowledge on research science makes it easier to collect data on the childhood obesity in the U.S, analyze the data and come up with the appropriate findings based on the data. The use of secondary data as a part of the research science discipline is primarily applicable in the research paper. The discipline, for instance, finds that 26 percent of teenagers who got teased at school and home confessed to having contemplated suicide while 9 percent had attempted to take their lives. As a result of peer taunting, obese children usually show elevated levels sadness, nervousness, and loneliness.

My topic provides an insight on cases of childhood obesity in the U.S. an understanding of my topic provides my audience with some of the causes of childhood obesity, the effects of childhood obesity and some of the preventative measures that can be put in place to address the issue of childhood obesity across the U.S. the topic also provides an understanding of childhood obesity in terms of its statistical figures. This could be as a result of discrimination when they were children who ended up killing their self-esteem together with their aspirations Knowledge on childhood obesity can be applicable in the research papers’ audience daily lives. A statistical figures such as chronically, overweight people are 50 percent more likely to be unemployed and single can help us understand those persons that are mostly affected by obesity (Koplan, 2012).


Edwards-Anderson, D. (2016). From Reconciliation to Resurgence: Dakota Commemorations of the U.S.-Dakota War of 1862. Middle West Review, 2(2), 85-114. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/mwr.2016.0011

Koplan, J. (2012). Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. National Academies Press.

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