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William "Willy" Loman

William "Willy" Loman is a fictional character who is the protagonist of Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman. The play first premiered on Broadway on February 10, 1949, starring Lee J. Cobb as Loman. It has since become a popular Broadway classic. To learn more about Loman, read our Character Analysis.

Character Analysis

Willy Loman, a character in The Sound of Music, is a flawed man who believes being popular and liked will bring success. This idea leads him to a disastrous life. Despite his hard work and likability, he is not willing to acknowledge his faults. He makes a number of bad decisions that put his family at risk, including borrowing money from his friend Charley. In the end, he takes his own life.

Willy suffers from the contrast between his imaginary world and reality

Willy suffers greatly from the stark contrast between his imaginary world and the real one. His desire to be successful is constantly driving him. He refers to his brother Ben, who became wealthy in Africa. Unfortunately, his brother Howard is not appreciative of his efforts in the business and fails to recognize the value of Willy's contribution.

American Dream

Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman explores the elusiveness of the American Dream. This play is a sharp indictment of the American capitalist system, which he called a "tragedy of the common man." The play explores the emptiness of the American Dream and how the economic system fails the average person. It also argues for the need for a more personal definition of the American dream.

Willy Loman's pursuit of the American Dream

Willy Loman, in the play, believes that achieving the American dream is possible, but he isn't able to reach it. For years, he faithfully works for a particular company, accumulating respect and favors. In the end, he retires to the comfort of the house he has built. In the play, the American dream fails miserably, and the message is clear: achieving financial independence is not easy.

Character flaws

Death of a Salesman is a play by Arthur Miller that highlights the flaws of Willy Loman. Willy is a flawed character who lacks self-awareness and is a betrayer of his family and soul. He lies to himself and ultimately fails, which ultimately leads to his tragic death. But the flaws of Willy Loman are not just superficial; they are deep-rooted and reveal a complex character.

Willy Loman's self-deception and misguided life goals

Willy Loman's flaw is his self-deception and misguided life goals. He is a salesman, so his career is based on selling and ends in utter disaster. But despite his flaws, he does have potential for greatness.


The main plot of Death of a Salesman revolves around the relationship between a married couple, Willy and Linda. The Lomans live in Brooklyn, a city suburb. Willy and Linda have different personalities. They are very different in many ways, but they share one common trait: they are both incredibly devoted to their children. The Lomans' relationship is one of unconditional love, and Linda shows infinite patience as she tries to fulfill Willy's needs. She is protective of her son and tries not to point out his lies.

Linda's understanding and forgiveness

Linda sees how her husband has struggled and is unable to earn a living. Willy's business has become unprofitable, and Linda is the only person who understands his situation. Even if Willy has acted rudely toward her, she is willing to forgive him.


Biff is the son of Willy Loman. His father is an aging, depressed man, who has been having car accidents. The accidents are not accidental - witnesses say they were a suicide. After a February accident, Linda wrote Willy Loman a letter. Meanwhile, the insurance inspector came to verify the claims for the previous year. During this time, Biff starts to realize that he needs to do something to help his father.

The love-hate relationship between Biff and Willy Loman

A healthy father-son relationship is essential to family harmony. In Death of a Salesman, the relationship between father and son is depicted as a love-hate relationship. While Biff loves his father when he is a child, he later comes to dislike him as he realizes his father's deception. Biff and Willy Loman share several traits, such as an aversion to responsibility and a desire to find their place in the world.


It is hard to determine if Willy Loman is happy. His character never acknowledges his failings, and his actions are inconsistent with his beliefs. Ultimately, his blind ambition leads him to suicide. In the end, he still tries to emulate his father, despite his obvious flaws.

Biff's struggle between his father's dream and his own

Biff Loman, Willy's son, is a talented football player, but he failed math in high school. He also dropped out of summer school after seeing Willy with another woman in Boston. He is torn between fulfilling his father's dream of being a businessman and his own. He likes working his hands.

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