Why US should treat Mexico as a vital partner, not a punching bag

The U.S. and Mexico: A Deteriorating Relationship

The U.S. and Mexico share a long relationship that is founded on trust and reliability. However, recent events have undermined the level of cooperation between the two countries. In 2015, President Donald Trump infamously labeled Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers (Graham, 2018). In fact, he claimed that Mexico served as the conduit through which illegal drugs entered the U.S. Trump has continuously displayed antagonism towards the Mexican government. In 2016, he stated that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) benefited Mexico more than the U.S. (Cardenas, 2018). Furthermore, he blamed Mexico for failing to ensure border security. Despite diplomatic efforts, the U.S. insists that Mexico will pay for a border wall between the two countries (Cardenas, 2018). In this paper, I will argue that the U.S. should treat Mexico as an important partner rather than as a punching bag.

The Importance of U.S.-Mexico Relations

Relations between the U.S. and Mexico are vital since they affect the livelihoods of many people. Millions of Mexicans and Americans benefit from bilateral cooperation with regards to energy, innovation, entrepreneurship, migration, drug control, and citizen security. Other pertinent issues include education exchange, economic reform, and trade. Thousands of people move between the two nations each day. The commercial value of bilateral trade exceeds more than one billion dollars (U.S. Department of State, n.d.). Notably, more than a million Americans live in Mexico while the majority of American travelers move into Mexico (U.S. Department of State, n.d.). Consequently, the U.S. should learn to view Mexico as a strategic partner worthy of honor and respect.

The Impact of NAFTA and Bilateral Trade

Bilateral interactions between the U.S. and Mexico are reflected in the 24-year NAFTA treaty. Although the American government has threatened to void the agreement, positive milestones had been achieved. For instance, Mexico was now exempted from tariffs concerning the sale of steel. The U.S. would never make such concessions if it did not acknowledge Mexico as a trading partner. In fact, Mexico is ranked as America's third-largest commercial partner and greatest importer after Canada. More than 80% of Mexican exports are sent to the U.S. while the latter exports most of its petroleum products to Mexico (U.S. Department of State, n.d.). The Latino country is among the largest suppliers of crude oil to the U.S. although it does not have extensive reservoirs of Middle Eastern countries.

The Importance of Security Cooperation

Mexico had a considerable impact on the security of the U.S. The two countries shared an extensive border stretching for more than 2,000 miles (U.S. Department of State, n.d.). Security cooperation between Mexico and the U.S. is vital for both countries to deter criminals. American and Mexican officials have created the Strategic Dialogue on Disrupting Transnational Criminal Organizations. In this regard, the two countries routinely share information on emerging threats. Border security and migration checks are necessary to screen the people moving between both countries. American criminals usually sought hideouts in the neighboring nation. Similarly, Mexican offenders moved into the U.S. to grow their criminal empires. Hence, the U.S. would be empowered to identify and arrest criminal threats if it embraced Mexico as a worthy partner.

Collaboration in Fighting Drug Trafficking

Analysis of migration trends could never be completed without data from both countries. Human trafficking was rampant across the U.S.-Mexico border (Cardenas, 2018). It was fruitless for officials from both countries to blame each other. The Mexican government was firmly committed to the fight against drug trafficking. Better outcomes would be realized if the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) collaborated with Mexican authorities. Besides, it was impossible for either country to solve the problems caused by human or drug trafficking. It was catastrophic to define security cooperation in terms of other aspects of the bilateral relationship.

Mexico as a Partner in Foreign Policy

Moreover, Mexico could help the U.S. to achieve significant aspects of its foreign policy. The American government endeavors to champion democracy, rule of law, and human rights. Venezuela has been one of the most prominent recipients of federal sanctions. The U.S. needs other nations in Latin America to respect human rights and foster democracy. Mexico has demolished the Estrada Doctrine that previously advocated for nonintervention in foreign matters. Mexico has also issued sanctions against top-tier members of Venezuela's regime. Furthermore, Mexico has used its leadership positions in the Lima Group and Organization of American States to promote security and prosperity in the region (Cardenas, 2018). The U.S. needs Mexico as a partner in the fight against dictatorial regimes with little regard for human rights and democracy.


Indeed, the U.S. should learn to view Mexico as a strategic partner. Despite recent hostilities, it is vital for the two nations to cooperate with each other in matters such as trade, security, migration, and regional prosperity. The U.S. can benefit from the Mexico's expertise and influence.


Cardenas, J. R. (2018, March 22). The U.S.-Mexico Relationship Has Survived and Thrived Under Trump. Foreign Policy. Retrieved from http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/22/the-u-s-mexico-relationship-has-survived-and-thrived-under-trump/

Graham, D. (2018, April 9). Mexico puts U.S. ties under review as Trump stirs new tensions. Reuters. Retrieved May 15, 2018 from https://www.reuters.com/article/us-mexico-usa/mexico-puts-u-s-ties-under-review-as-trump-stirs-new-tensions-idUSKBN1HG2LM

U.S. Department of State. (n.d). U.S. Relations with Mexico. Retrieved May 15, 2018 from https://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/35749.htm

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