Why Abortion Should Be Illegalized

The topic about the doctor assisted suicide

The topic about the doctor assisted suicide has taken place for many decades. People have ethical and moral reasons behind the promotion of its legalization. Most countries have taken measures of legalizing it only if the process take place by following certain terms. Other people have taken the initiative of banning it based on their moral reasons. The dissenting opinion of people in relation to the topic is a proper concern because it gives an ethical ground that promotes its legalization. Among the commonly practised doctor assisted suicide is the abortion. Most countries do not legalize abortions based on their religious values that pertain to human life. Supporters of its legalizations also have important morals of concern behind their reasons for supporting the activity. The contradicting reasons behind the support and opposition behind abortion make the topic a matter of concern. The paper discusses the reasons as to why abortions should be considered illegal.

Abortion involves the murder of an innocent being

Abortion involves the murder of an innocent being in the body of a person. The foetus that is being killed is a human being. The action defies the moral norms of the society that prohibit murder. Although the foetus is not fully grown, it still has life and is considered a human being. The issue makes it wrong for a person to wrongfully terminate the life based on individual reasons. Instead, the mother has the option of giving birth to the child and donating it away for adoption (Reagan 113). If given the chance, the foetus would have grown to become an outstanding member of the society without any conflict of reasoning. The authorities and society have the ethical and moral obligation of ensuring that the practiced is illegalized based on the violation of the basic right to life.

Abortion defies most religious practices and beliefs

Abortion defies most religious practices and beliefs. Most religions in most parts of the world have a deep respect for human life. The promotion of abortion seems to defy the beliefs creating conflicts of opinions with the religions. In Buddhism, respect to life is fundamental. The issue makes of them to be vegetarian based on their basic respect to human life. In Christianity, the right to life is highly regarded and respected. Murder is considered a big sin. The similar issue applies to Islam. The legalization of the practice seems to defy the social norms as it works at promoting the increase in murder rates in a justified way (Oberman 174). The fact that abortions defy religious norms and beliefs gives the precise reasons as to why it needs to be illegalized within the legal establishment of most countries across the globe.

Most women have lost their lives through abortions

Most women have lost their lives through abortions. The issue takes place because any medical error through the process may lead to the death of the patient. It is a matter of great importance based on the fact that the patients undergo difficulty while dealing with procedures. It makes most of them die out of excessive pain that is inflicted through the processor to die based on the infections that may result from the incorrect procedures. In developing countries, 65% of women die through unsafe abortions and the numbers continue to increase on an annual basis (Haugeberg 95). The issue prompts the authorities to take up the correct legal measures by banning any forms of abortions that may take place in the country for the safety of the people. Therefore, abortion is a process that needs to be illegalized.

Supporters of abortion argue that abortion aids women to get rid of unwanted pregnancies

Supporters of abortion argue that abortion aids women to get rid of unwanted pregnancies. The unwanted pregnancies may take place through rape or pregnancies at an early age. They explain that the pregnancies have a negative psychological effect on the woman making them undergo depression. The issue is most likely to affect the manner in which they deal with issues in life because they are depressed (Reagan 175). Abortion seems to be the solution that may aid them to get rid of the depression and lead a normal life. However, they have options based on the fact they can give birth and give the children away for adoption. Proper therapy sessions can enable the women to deal with the depression that comes during the pregnancies hence offering them a solution to save the life of the innocent unborn baby.

In summary

In summary, the paper entails a debate as to why abortions should be made illegal. Abortion involves the murder of an innocent being in the body of a person. The fetus that is being killed is a human being. The action defies the moral norms of the society that prohibit murder. Abortion defies most religious practices and beliefs. Most religions in most parts of the world have a deep value to human life. The encouragement of abortion seems to defy the beliefs creating conflicts of opinions with the religions. Ideally, most women have lost their lives through abortions. The issue takes place because any medical fault through the process may lead to the death of the patient. It is a matter of significance because the patients undergo difficulty while dealing with procedures. Supporters of abortion argue that abortion aids women to get rid of unwanted pregnancies. The unnecessary pregnancies may take place through rape or pregnancies at an early age.

Works Cited

Haugeberg, Karissa. Women against Abortion: Inside the Largest Moral Reform Movement of the Twentieth Century. , 2017. Print.

Oberman, Michelle. Her Body, Our Laws: On the Front Lines of the Abortion War, from El Salvador to Oklahoma. , 2018. Print.

Reagan, Leslie J. When Abortion Was a Crime: Women, Medicine, and Law in the United States, 1867-1973. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2017. Print.

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