What were the major causes of the changes in power for the Caribbean?

The historical developments are presented in the article along with their effects on the nation's economic structure. The study gives enough details to analyze the shifts in Caribbean leadership in the past and the effects of each leadership style on the nation's economy during the change of power. The article is peer reviewed as it is printed and considered by the Cambridge University Press and the authors have huge years of experience in professional writing. The article, therefore, possesses the characteristics of a peer-reviewed article and beneficial for use in analysis of research.


The source demonstrates the economic changes that occurred due to the leadership or power changes within the country. It is relevant to the requirements of the research question that requires the economic changes influenced by power changes.

Second bibliography

Fitzpatrick, Scott M. "The Pre-Columbian Caribbean: Colonization, population dispersal, and island adaptations." PaleoAmerica 1, no. 4 (2015): 305-331.


The article enhances understanding of the patterns of dispersal of the Caribbean during the pre-colonial period and the colonial era. The research impacts the understanding of how the colonial times affected the sociological environment of the individuals by changing their existing patterns and ability.


The article is subjective and has a clear research procedure conducted to obtain the results. The study process is qualitative and determines the ability of the article to be used as a reference material, and a peer-reviewed journal.


About the research topic, the article provides analysis of the social changes that occurred during the power changes during the pre-colonial and the colonial periods.

Third bibliography

Booth, John A., Christine J. Wade, and Thomas Walker. Understanding Central America: Global Forces, Rebellion, and change. Westview Press, 2014.


Booth (2014) illustrates the political changes that took place in the American countries and especially the Latin America and the Caribbean. All the progressive changes that took place in the political system of the countries have been analyzed to help in the understanding of the global trends by that period and the rebellions.


The article has conducted a qualitative research based on primary and secondary research which qualifies it as a peer reviewed article for use in the research process.


The research questions have the requirements to demonstrate the political changes that took place when the variations in the power of the country to set. The political environment is a critical environment for the Caribbean history.

Primary bibliography

Mol, Angus AA. The connected Caribbean: a socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period. Sidestone Press, 2014.


The article identifies all the activities that were conducted by the Caribbean in the pre-colonial period which further discovers the resulting factors to the changes in power and how different leaders wanted to transact power or use it on their citizens. The analysis determines how the Caribbean community was diverse in their beliefs and practices.


A peer-reviewed article should have adequate research procedure that the article analyzed has qualified. Furthermore, the authors of the article have long years of experience in professional authorship and research into historical evidence.


The source is relevant to the study as it creates the timeline activities that took place to the Caribbean. It analyses how the change in power was originated and the different leadership periods that have experienced the change in the authority. The article is, therefore, relevant for the analysis of the Caribbean history before 1900.

Work plan

The resource analysis conducted is consistent and is adequate for gathering information regarding the study topic. Further analysis of the research can be carried out through critical identification of sources from credible databases including the school library where valuable information articles are available. The databases that can be used for the research include the JSTOR which is a peer-reviewed database and Project Muse. During collection and analysis of the information regarding the Caribbean history, it is important to consult with the professors in charge of instructing the research process to have knowledge f the adequate requirements. Data will be analyzed through integration and comparison method to get reliable results. After the analysis of the data collected, it is important to create a paper as a draft paper and even type it into soft copy and hard copy for the final results. It is valuable for both the soft copy and hard copy to achieve best backup of information obtained. For completion of the research, there should be the availability of reference materials that are peer reviewed and further skills that can be used for the analysis of reliable and viable information from raw data. Time will also be necessary for conducting the entire process.


Booth, John A., Christine J. Wade, and Thomas Walker. Understanding Central America: global forces, rebellion, and change. Westview Press, 2014.

Bulmer-Thomas, Victor. The economic history of the Caribbean since the Napoleonic wars. Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Delle, James A. The Colonial Caribbean: Landscapes of Power in Jamaica's Plantation System. Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Dubois, Laurent. A colony of citizens: revolution and slave emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787-1804. UNC Press Books, 2012.

Fitzpatrick, Scott M. "The Pre-Columbian Caribbean: Colonization, population dispersal, and island adaptations." PaleoAmerica 1, no. 4 (2015): 305-331.

Hofman, Corinne, Angus Mol, Menno Hoogland, and Roberto Valcárcel Rojas. "Stage of encounters: migration, mobility and interaction in the pre-colonial and early colonial Caribbean." World Archaeology 46, no. 4 (2014): 590-609.

Mol, Angus AA. the connected Caribbean: a socio-material network approach to patterns of homogeneity and diversity in the pre-colonial period. Sidestone Press, 2014.

Rodríguez, N., 2012. New Southern Neighbors: Latino immigration and prospects for intergroup relations between African-Americans and Latinos in the South. Latino Studies, 10(1-2), pp.18-40.

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