What is the best way of obtaining information from the UK people?

Negotiation is a key element towards achieving and winning business deals in the global world. However, to achieve successful negotiations, it would be imperative that a person gets to know the behaviors of negotiating partners. It would be important that a person to know how their counterparts negotiate including how the make concessions and decisions. Below is a negotiation profile for a British national.

What is the effect of their cultural characteristics and values on how they approach the specific negotiation tasks?


Establishing the issues and the negotiation

Providing information

Seeking information

Establishing a negotiating relationship


Seeking and unpacking possible solutions

Uncovering, offering new insights, etc.

Generating suggestions

Exploring, reflecting upon suggestions

Rejecting suggestions


Managing concessions and conflict

Seeking concessions

Making concessions

Joint, unilateral concession patterns

Handling conflict

In view of how they might negotiate, what should we now do to help manage the process more effectively?


Establishing the issues and the negotiation

Providing information

Seeking information

Establishing a negotiating relationship


Seeking and unpacking possible solutions

Uncovering, offering new insights, etc.

Generating suggestions

Exploring, reflecting upon suggestions

Rejecting suggestions


Managing concessions and conflict

Seeking concessions

Making concessions

Joint, unilateral concession patterns

Handling conflict

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