University of Florida

The Extended School Program

The extended school program is implemented via palm district schools. The issue is whether the program is effective or not. This research weighs the positive and negative influences of the program

Negative Impacts

The researchers from the state University of Florida carried out a study recently and got here up with a report that only 20% of students in the prolonged program outsmarted similar students where the program was not applied. A separate find out about found no quantifiable benefit to the participating faculties in the whole country.

The performance in school studying is elevated among the poor performing schools, however it did not exceed the yearly variations anticipated when quantifying the original poor student performance. The school district research found that in the initial three years’ programs, the school showed minimal or no progress at all. This raises the issue of the impact of the extended reading hour.

From the year 2012 to 2015, among the 58 circumstances where the program is implemented, just 22 showed some progress, meaning that most schools showed no progress at all (Andrew 1). The school's performance just deteriorated in 10 cases, while in the other 26 cases the schools gave no significant improvement as compared to the other county schools (Andrew 1).

After the analysis from the Palm Beach, another one was completed in March. The march analysis showed that the extended program had little benefit to the students it was meant for; the low performing students. Taking an example of 16 county schools offering the extended program, an analysis of school examining data showed that the number of poor performance increased, and the student’s marks on reading test actually dropped (Andrew 1).

The accountability chief for district performance made a report showing that among the majority of participating schools, the program was effective only during the first year. The performance just deteriorated in the preceding years. The district implemented other teaching strategies which made a minimal recovery. He said that coupled with other parameters; it is difficult to draw precise conclusions about the impact of the extended hour.

Other administrators second Howard pointing out that following up the program among the troubled schools is not easy since the state does not offer the schools more money to cater for extra training and to pay teachers extra time. Another study showed that the extended program requires an approximate of $9 million at the twenty-five schools where it is operated (Andrew 1).

Positive Impacts

David Simmons strongly support the extended program; he claimed that students in extended program progress significantly, saying that the school day in Florida is too short as compared to other states with best-performing students. Simmons believes that hard work pays. When students learn for a long time, they actually perform and prove that they can pass just like any other student (Strauss 1).

The program itself has dramatic results. It requires the administration to feed it with the right inputs and follow it up. The one hour added is a competitive advantage. Schools should strive to achieve it (Strauss1). In cases where there is a decimal improvement, it is because the schools use the added time poorly. The schools need to attend to the students and give them a chance to succeed because this is one of the American dreams.


To sum up, it is evident that the program itself has many challenges and therefore rescheduling school program effective. The district schools should be made flexible, to accommodate the program with other strategies for a significant benefit to be realized.

Works Cited

Marra, Andrew. “ – Connecting People Through News.” Longer School Day No Help to Neediest Kids, Study Says – Connecting People Through News. N.p., 14 Dec. 2016. Web. 26 Nov. 2017.

Strauss, Valerie. “Walker Wants Wisconsin to be First State to Stop Dictating how Much..” Washington Post – Blogs, 09 Apr, 2017, pp. n/a, SIRS Issues Researcher,

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